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他总是言行一致的。Always the seer is a sayer.

预言者总是一个发言者。Always the seer is a sayer.

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于我,穴居人攫取了先知。In me the cave-man clasps the seer.

耶稣膏立他为先知先见。Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer.

来吧,你这妄语者,你这先知。Come on you raver, you seer of visions.

伊格内修斯自视为先知和哲学家。Ignatius sees himself as a seer and philosopher.

他们还说预言者的昵称是有预言性的。They also say the nickname for prophet is seer.

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先知听起来很弱。就像一个在解读茶叶的大妈。Seer sounds weak. Like an old lady reading tea leaves.

先见没有回答,并一再曹操施压的问题。The seer made no reply, and again and again Cao Cao pressed the question.

所以他们派一个先知,来占卜到底是什么原因So, they get a seer who goes and is persuaded to try to find out what's happening.

一位预言者曾对我说我已经被命运所选中。但我不希望和亚述尔单打独斗。I was once told by a seer that I was touched by fate, but I do not wish to fight Assur in single combat.

FP率一般在较年轻的女性,非黑人种女性和某些流行病学区域中较高。The FP rates were generally higher among younger women, nonblack women, and women in certain SEER areas.

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利用此法只需进行两个稳态工况实验,即可计算出变频空调器的季节能效比。The SEER of inverter air conditioner can be calculated after experiments in two stable-conditions using this method.

希西家王与众首领又吩咐利未人用大卫和先见亚萨的诗词颂赞耶和华。King Hezekiah and his officials ordered the Levites to praise the Lord with the words of David and of Asaph the seer.

如果预言家有验出查杀,请跳出来报下查杀,以免推错人。If the seer have found out a werewolf, declare frankly and clearly, please. For fear that we push someone out wrongly.

罗波安所行的事,自始至终不都写在先知示玛雅和先见易多的史记上吗?Now the acts of Rehoboam, first and last , are they not recorded in the words of Shemaiah the prophet and Iddo the seer?

从中式风格发展到“新东方主义”,更从“新东方主义”深化为“新岭南风格”。Seer Design's style evolves from Classical Chinese style to New-Orientalism, and further deepens into New-Lingnan style.

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他们在自己的村庄,按着家谱计算,是大卫和先见撒母耳所派当这紧要职任的。These were reckoned by their genealogy in their villages, whom David and Samuel the seer did ordain in their set office.

他们在自己的村庄,按著家谱计算,是大卫和先见撒母耳所派当这紧要职任的。They were enrolled by genealogies in their villages. David and Samuel the seer established them in their office of trust.

歌唱的亚萨之子孙,照着大卫,亚萨,希幔,和王的先见耶杜顿所吩咐的,站在自己的地位上。The musicians, the descendants of Asaph, were in the places prescribed by David, Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun the king's seer.