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它将使无线抄表领域更加功能化,更加实用化。It will make wireless checking field available and improvable.

最后,还对该控制系统的可改进部分做了展望。Finally, the improvable part of the control system is prospected.

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在文章的结尾,结合本次研究提出了几点改进意见。In the conclusion part, some improvable aspects were pointed out.

这些规范是可改进的,而且事实上也正在随着我们的前进而不断被改进。The practices are improvable , and in fact are improved as we go along.

如果人的本性就是邪恶的、不思进取的,那么就别指望有更加美好的未来了。The future cannot be better if people are not fundamentally good and improvable.

预防和对皮肤粗糙,增厚,脱皮,龟裂肌肤。Preventive and improvable against skin roughness, thickness, slough, and chapping.

着重分析了高锰酸钾生产中所用原锰酸钾粉碎机的严重弊端,并提出了具体的改进方法。The corrupt practice of the original grinder was analyzed and an improvable way has been suggested.

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综述了电浮选方法处理电镀污水的基本原理和提高电浮选净水技术的途径。In this paper, some basic elements and improvable methods of electroflotation for plating effluent are reviewed.

最后对全文进行总结,并提出未来需要继续改进和发展的方向。The last chapter carries on the summary to the full text, and proposes the improvable direction to continue in the future.

使用高杠杆值对模型进行分析诊断,探测出数据中的强影响点后,再建立一个改良模型。Using the leverage value to detect this model and finding the mainly influential observation, an improvable model is built.

本文证明了可推导性的一个必要条件,并由此得到了该系统提高程序效率的一个界限。Tn the paper, we proved a necessary condition of transformability , and got a bound of efficiency improvable by transformation.

只是,当前研究仍然存在一定不足之处,国内的研究与国外相比尚存在一定差距。However, there are still some improvable things, and domestic research still lags far behind in comparison with foreign countries.

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例如质量成本项目测算模型、在质量成本中考虑隐含成本等。After that some improvable approaches are put forward, such as measurable model of Quality Costing, invisible costing in Quality Costing and so on.

在“针对信息科技教材的评价”部分,针对“教材评价”这一历来的难点问题,针对现有做法的弊端提出了改进的设想,具有一定的参考价值。In view of the "teaching material evaluation" part, the always-difficult precept, the new plan has the certain reference value for the improvable ideas.

厨房烟气现有的改善方法分为烟气净化和厨房通风两大类,它们分别有着不同的实现方法和作用。The existing improvable strategies are sorted into gas filtration and kitchen ventilation, which have different applied methods and functions respectively.

笔者以实验测定值证明计算公式的正确性。同时还对改善支承机构的影响因素进行了讨论。Correction of Calculabee formula Was demonstrated by means of experimental determinable Value, Factor for improvable Supporting institution Was also discussed.

第三部分针对目前测试结构存在的一些突出的问题,提出了相应的改进、优化测试机构的措施,使心理测试技术更好地服务于司法实践。In order to give service to practice, the third part puts forward improvable measures, in the light of problems existed in the structure of psychological test.

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结合工作实际,分析了当前师范教育中教育见习工作存在的不足,提出了改进教育见习工作的建议。Combining with the reality, analyze the shortage of educational probation in current normal education and make, some improvable suggestions for the future teaching.

本文最后总结了论文完成的主要工作,指出了该平台一些可以改进的地方以及进一步完善的途径。The mostly accomplished tasks are finally summarized in the paper, some improvable aspects are put forwards and further research to improve the system are presented.

对GB150的部分焊接接头分类标准与国际标准进行了对比分析,提出了压力容器检验标准的改进建议。It makes comparative analysis about parts of GB150 welding connection classified standard and international standard. It also makes improvable suggestions of pressure containers' testing criterion.