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她长了一个两个…还有第三个心门。She has one, two, a third ostium.

然而无情和库斯科插入子宫口暴露。However Cuzco inserted mercilessly and the uterine ostium is exposed.

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宫腔镜输卵管通液在继发性不孕中的应用。Catheterization of the tubal ostium using hysteroscopy under laparoscopic guidance.

从而为精确测定炮口速度提供了一定的理论基础。A certainty basic foundation for precision determine the cannon ostium velocity are offered.

经过IVUS检查证实大部分支架在冠状动脉口部病变处能准确置入。There is high percentage of cases with accurate position of stent in ostium confirmed by IVUS.

目的探讨内镜鼻窦手术治疗慢性鼻窦炎、鼻息肉的上颌窦中鼻道开口的重要性及处理方法。Results The ostium of the frontal sinus was identified in all patients without serious complications.

当钩突切除术完成后,一般即可很容易发现上颌窦口。When the uncinectomy has been completed, the maxillary sinus ostium can usually be easily identified.

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粘液囊肿是副鼻窦内一种包裹性,膨胀性囊性病变,是由于鼻旁窦窦口被阻塞所引起。A mucocele is an encapsulated fluid collection which occurs due to obstruction of a paranasal sinus ostium.

隔膜可以固定在心房附件口上,或者填充心房附件内部。The membranes may be held in place over the ostium of the atrial appendage or fill the inside of the atrial appendage.

鼻内镜检查发现蝶窦自然口周黏膜息肉样变6例,蝶窦自然口闭锁1例。Endoscopy showed that 6 patients had polyps in sphenoid sinus ostium, and 1 case with atresia of sphenoid sinus ostium.

上颌窦后鼻孔息肉表现为起源于上颌窦的粘液样肿块,并通过上颌窦口延伸至后鼻孔。Antralchoanal polyps present as mucoid masses originating at the maxillary antrum extending through a sinus ostium to the choana.

结论经上颌窦自然开口行上颌窦口穿刺是安全、简便和有效的一种诊治方法。Conclusion Inserting the nasal probe into maxillary sinus ostium through maxillary sinus natural ostium is safe, simple and effective.

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在1例峡部顺钟向阻滞者,冠状静脉窦口刺激诱发出短阵逆钟向房扑。Temporary counterclockwise atrial flutter was induced by pacing at coronary sinus ostium in 1 case with clockwise block in the isthmus.

目的探讨临床上经上颌窦口进入上颌窦诊疗的途径。Objective To study the feasibility of inserting the nasal probe into maxillary sinus through the ostium of maxillary sinus for treatment.

粘液囊肿是副鼻窦内一种包裹性,膨胀性囊性病变,是由于鼻旁窦窦口被阻塞所引起。Mucoceles are encapsulated, expansile fluid collections in the paranasal sinuses which occur due to obstruction of a paranasal sinus ostium.

结论窦口堵塞并注入肺炎链球菌可成功建立兔慢性上颌窦炎动物模型。Conclusions Experimental chronic maxillary sinusitis can be successfully induced by Streptococcus pneumoniae inoculation with an ostium closed.

结论鼻内窥镜下处理上颌窦自然开口的关键是窦口周围的解剖异常因素。Conclusion The results suggest that management of anatomic variations surrounding the ostia is very important in the treatment of maxillary ostium.

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目的探讨内镜鼻窦手术治疗慢性鼻窦炎、鼻息肉的上颌窦中鼻道开口的重要性及处理方法。Objective To determine the clinical significance and operative method of maxillary sinus ostium in the treatment of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps.

联合阻塞窦口并注入有荚膜的肺炎链球菌能较理想地建立急性上颌窦炎实验动物模型。An Experimental model of acute maxillary sinusitis may be established by occlusion of sinus ostium and introduction of streptococcus pneumoniae with capsule.

急诊心导管中,6-F诊断性导管在插入左冠状动脉开口时记录到显著的压力下降。During urgent cardiac catheterization, the 6-French diagnostic catheter recorded severe pressure damping during cannulation of the ostium of the left coronary artery.