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在城镇的凉亭里呆呆的看着它。Gawk at it in the town gazebo.

目瞪口呆,卑躬屈膝,并盯著阿里王子看!To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali!

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现在看来,或者至少在不远的将来,游客们会拥有私密的空间面对窗外迷人的风景发呆。Now, or at least soon, they will have a place to gawk at the view in private.

钱德和乔伊迷上了搞复印的女孩,女孩邀他二人同去跳舞。Chandler and Joey gawk at the Xerox girl, who invites them both to a dance club.

事实上,某种程度上我们是为了确保自己不会那么残忍,才一再关注连环凶杀。In fact, one reason we gawk is to reassure ourselves that we could never do such a thing.

舒新呆呆地坐在客厅出神,舒恬然走了出来,坐到儿子对面。New gawk Schwartz, comfortable sitting in the trance steadfastness came out, sit to son opposite.

从今年五月份开始你将在加州的阿纳海姆的迪斯尼乐园里呆呆地看到未来派的一些无用的玩意。You'll be able to gawk at all the futuristic falderal at Disneyland in Anaheim, California starting this May.

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在很多时候,在体育场外叫卖小饰品的小贩比到在体育场里瞠目结舌的游客还要多。By most accounts, the vendors hawking trinkets outside the stadium outnumber the foreigners who go there to gawk.

大部分犯人聚在围栏边观看并嘲笑着新犯人,而瑞德和同伴们则舒舒服服的待在看台上。Most cons crowd to the fence to gawk and jeer, but Red and his group mount the bleachers and settle in comfortably.

游客不仅可以在这里赌马,晒太阳,还可以在世界上最华丽的海滨剧院观看喜剧表演。A visitor could bet on horse races, gawk at albinos, or attend ragtime shows at “the handsomest seaside theater in the world.”

70万人将会展中心填得水泄不通,他们痴痴地盯着漫画书,观赏着最新款的电玩游戏,任自己的幻想在眼前招摇。Some 700,000 people crammed into the convention centre to gawk at comic books, see the latest games and watch their fantasies strut by.

000人次充斥着整个展厅中心,痴迷于他们的漫画书、观看最新发售的游戏并和同好们一同搅基。Some 700, 000 people crammed into the convention centre to gawk at comic books, see the latest games and watch their fantasies strut by.

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这些报导引来了游客,有时这个曾经被孤立的天堂似乎挤满了跑来呆呆地凝望本地人的观光客。These reports attracted travelers and, at times, this once-isolated paradise seems filled with tourists who’ve come to gawk at the locals.

当参观者步入村中心高高伫立的10个独特宝塔之一,从顶层阳台向下鸟瞰时,都被超乎现实的场景看呆了。The visitors gawk as they troop through one of 10 distinctive pagoda-shaped high-rises at the center of the village, taking in the surreal view from the balcony on the top floor.

死鲸引来大量好奇民众围观。老老少少都爬上流满鲸油的岩石,勇敢地向前探着头,注视着这具巨大的畜体。The whale has drawn huge crowds of curious onlookers, with young and old climbing over rocks slickened by rotting whale fat and braving a powerful stench to gawk at the giant carcass.

2010年智利海啸袭击加利福尼亚州时,圣塔蒙妮卡海滩上的人群对迅速退去的潮水十分不解,还纷纷跑到近海处呆呆地打量搁浅的海生物。When the 2010 Chilean tsunami arrived in California, people in Santa Monica Beach were mesmerized by the rapid withdrawal of the shoreline and went out to gawk at stranded marine life.