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遇水反应剧烈。Reacts violently with water.

他激烈地拒捕。He resisted arrest violently.

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她的心剧烈地跳动。Her heart throbbed violently.

他拼命踢门。He kicked violently at the door.

金雀花丛把她的马惊得猛然后退。Her horse shied violently at a gorse bush.

瓢泼大雨猛烈地下了起来。The rain commenced pouring violently down.

他的心在胸膛里激烈地跳动。His heart is beating violently in her breast.

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“最好的办法是把他们踢出这个国家”。The best thing is to kick them out violently.

一阵寒风吹过,令她瑟瑟发抖。A gust of cold wind made her shiver violently.

他突然觉得恶心,猛烈地干呕起来。Nausea surged in him and he retched violently.

然后她被猛地向后拽,直到双脚离地。Then she was violently yanked backward off her feet.

这名字多么强有力地拨动了每一个俄罗斯人心弦!How violently the name plucks at any Russian's heart!

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两个朋友激烈争吵后分手了。The two friends disagreed violently and parted company.

这么厉害?我还以为他们就是人口贩子而已呢。This violently? I thought they were kidnapping someone.

程序员为什么如此激烈地反对这些法律呢?Why are programmers so violently opposed to these laws?

一天,一群男孩子把我猛烈地甩到地上。The boys one day dashed me violently against the ground.

然后她又残忍地一把推开了他。Then she pushed Malfoy violently back in a sadistic way.

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剧烈击水只会吸引更多的鲨鱼向你游过来。Splashing violently only attracts more sharks toward you.

楼上的标杆在风中猛烈的摇晃着。The post on the building staggered violently in the wind.

我还没来得及反映便开始疯狂地呕吐。I didn't have time to respond, before I vomited violently.