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他卖给我们一包腰果,只收取了一丁点钱,并且他拒绝接受小费。He sells me a bag of nuts for a pittance andrefuses to accept a tip.

当年你爸爸给我的那点租钱,还不够我喝茶用的呢。The pittance your father used to pay me as rent won't even keep me in tea.

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根据周日的最新报道,摩根大通准备低价买入贝尔斯登。According to late reports on Sunday, JPMorgan Chase will buy Bear for a pittance.

但部份人士认为,与问题的规模相较,经费即使已增加,也仅属杯水车薪.Given the monumental scale of the problem, some see even that increase as a pittance.

虽然现在许多最贫穷的人得到政府的一些帮助,但是那仅仅是小小的施舍。Although many of the poorest now get some kind of government support, it is only a pittance.

精明的赫特人给他住处和食物,但只支付微薄的工资,让他永远债台高筑。The shrewd Hutt kept Barada forever in his debt by paying him a pittance yet charging him room and board.

麦登高表示,这些非法劳工撑起了重庆大厦的经济,他们愿以微薄的薪水干活。According to Prof Mathews, these illegal workers carry the economy of Chungking Mansions as they are willing to work for a pittance.

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吉尔伯特也应该感谢他,因为相对于詹姆斯为克利夫兰带来的胜利和金钱而言,吉尔伯特付给他的薪水可谓微薄至极。Gilbert should be thanking him too--the salary he doled out to James was a pittance compared to the victories and money that rolled in during his Cleveland reign.

唯一值得庆幸的是,加拿大严格限制政治献金以及选举开销,这意味者加拿大的选举花费与他们的邻居相比,仅仅是九牛一毛。The only consolation is that tight restrictions on both political contributions and spending mean that general elections cost a pittance compared with those next door.

议员们牢骚满腹,欧洲欲哭无泪,即使在光景好的时候都濒临饿死的非洲工人,如今也面临着失去他们缝制衬衣和内衣的微薄收入的危险。Members of Congress are grumbling. Europe is crying foul. African workers, near starving even in the good times, are in danger of losing the pittance they make sewing shirts and skivvies.

而且,如今年轻农民工的家庭已经脱贫,他们不再愿意像父辈那样作出牺牲,为了点微薄的收入背井离乡,在艰苦的环境中劳作.And now that their families have escaped poverty, young migrants are no longer as willing to make the same sacrifices as their parents, working for a pittance in poor conditions far from home.