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缓缓步向那高峰礼台之旁。Walking slowly to that peak of the wedding dais.

阿曼达也肯定很想亲手触发那个石祭台。Amanda must want to activate the stone dais as well.

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拉姆西大人从高台上走下来到男孩的是提前。Lord Ramsay descended from the dais to the dead boy.

OGSA-DAI支持DAIS规范的不断发展。OGSA-DAI supports the DAIS specification as it evolves.

德宏傣族宗教包括佛教和原始宗教。The Dais in Dehong believe in Buddhism and primitive religion.

有两个光屁股姑娘背对背坐在一个类似台子的地方。There were two naked girls seated back to back on a dais thing.

我看见一个人站在一个高高的讲台上,在两把巨大的半月形的弯刀之下。I saw a man standing on a raised dais , under two giant scimitar swords.

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杰克穿过人群,直直地走向站在祭台下的奈提莉。Jake walks through the crowd, straight to Neytiri at the foot of the dais.

在抬起的平台上面是镀金的龙椅,龙椅位于两米高的凸出。On the raised platform is the gilded imperial throne placed on a dais two meters high.

她获悉了一个传闻,涉及到一座远古神庙,其内有一个雕饰华丽的石祭台。She heard a rumor about an ancient temple in Bolivia that contains an ornate stone dais.

皇家婚礼照片以及家庭照就在这儿的宝座台子上照。It is here on the throne dais that royal wedding portraits and family photographs are taken.

此刻,迪蒙与两位高级助手站在讲台上,他试图采用平和的语言安抚听众。Standing on the dais with two senior lieutenants, Mr. Dimon tried to strike a conciliatory tone.

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这一术语也可用于指其它一些类型的突起的平台,如乐队指挥台。The term is also applied to other types of raised platform, such as an orchestra conductor's dais.

弘扬民族优秀传统文化,是孟定傣族获得更大发展的必然要求。A brighter future of the Dais in Mengding relies on the promotion of their fine traditional culture.

他又一次跳下台阶,抽出他的魔杖,与此同时邓布利多也朝台子转过去。He was jumping down the steps again, pulling out his wand, as Dumbledore, too, turned towards the dais.

在这一组织模式下,傣族表现出以村寨取向为核心,以避异求同为突出特征的社会取向。Thus, the Dais are village-orientated and their social orientation finds expression in seeking common points.

DAIS规范旨在描述如何存取网格环境中现有的数据资源。The goal of the DAIS specification is to describe how to access existing data resources in a grid environment.

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傣族贝叶典籍历史悠久、卷帙浩繁,是傣族传统文化的百科全书。The numerous Dais Pattra-leaf classics have a long history and are the encyclopedia of the Dais traditional culture.

傣族非物质文化遗产傣剧是德宏傣族喜闻乐见的综合性艺术形式,它从历史中走来,在今天面临巨大挑战。The Dai play as an intangible cultural heritage is an artistic performance popular with the Dais in Dehong Prefecture.

模联会议中的危机一般由主席团在会前设置好,事件可能与代表们讨论的议题相关。Usually designed by the dais before the conference, a crisis may be related to the topic being discussed on the floor.