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我能去锁柜吗?Can I go to th locker?

我帮你锁好更衣柜。Let me lock your locker.

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每个学生有储物柜。Every student has a locker.

他们在柜子旁边。They are beside the locker.

我帮你打开更衣柜。Let me open the locker for you.

将你的行李放在存物柜里。Deposit your luggage in the locker.

天呐!我忘记锁存物箱了。My god! I forgot to lock the locker.

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女孩子们的衣服在立柜里。The girls' clothes are in he locker.

女孩子们的衣服在立柜里。The girls' clothes are in the locker.

所以现在这间休息室里有我的照片了。So I have my picture in the locker room.

我跟我的柜子打了一架,还打输了。I got in a fight with my locker and lost.

那两个男人站起来打开行李柜。The two men got up and opened the locker.

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每名学生只能租借一个储物箱。Each student can rent one locker at a time.

我的画始终挂在她的储物柜上?。Is my picture still hanging in her locker ?

你寄物柜里有个爱国者女娃娃?。Is that a Patriot Girl doll in your locker?

把佳得乐还是留在个人存储室吧。Leave the Gatorade for the pro locker room.

我拨暗码打开我的锁柜。I dialled the combination to open my locker.

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他拨暗码打开他的锁柜。He dialed the combination to open his locker.

他把礼物放人更衣箱然后锁上它。He put the gift into his locker and locked it.

在更衣间里的我们的家伙不相信那。Our guys in the locker room didn't believe that.