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海盗船里遽然响起了古怪的声响。Corsair in sudden sounded strange sound.

同时,这也是在英国首次发现海盗船。It is also the first found in Britain Corsair.

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这艘很有视觉冲击力啊,象艘海盗船。This has very strong visual impact, like a corsair.

事实上,这艘海盗船残骸曾经在1938年被发现过。In fact, once set off Corsair wreckage was found in 1938 off.

历史上它们常被作为海盗船只并且频仍的在地中海一带活动。Xebecs have a history of being corsair ships and they were often seen in the Mediterranean.

历史上它们常被作为海盗船只并且频繁的在地中海一带活动。Xebecs have a history of being corsair ships and they were often seen in the Mediterranean.

海盗的粗犷设计挂锁2个USB闪存盘功能的256位硬件加密。The ruggedly designed Corsair Padlock 2 USB Flash Drive features 256-bit hardware encryption.

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但是随着时间的推移,那些贸易国家用战船来应对威胁对付海盗问题。But as time wore on, the trading nations responded to the threat by deploying warships to tackle the corsair problem.

现任这位是一个来自巴斯里斯克群岛的海盗,他相信罗伊达河会带来比盛夏海更丰饶的东西。This one is a corsair from the Basilisk Islands who believed the Rhoyne would offer richer pickings than the Summer Sea.

看完第一海盗船自2003年以来,我仍然看到的东西,我从来没有看到之前,这种模式是更详细。After looking at the first Corsair since 2003 I still see things I never saw before, and this model is even more detailed.

1830年,法国占领了巴巴里海盗的权利中心,这标志着这些海盗在地中海活动的时期成为过去。In 1830 France captured the Barbary corsair bases and this put an end to the reign of these pirates in the Mediterranean Sea.

这个画了假胡子的海盗船长和他的水手,把人们逗得都喘不过气。The corsair captain and the sailors with painted beards were so funny that people were all laughing until they gasped for breath.

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挂锁的海盗2提供8GB的闪存存储功能是为用户相当充足的存储大量信息。The Corsair Flash Padlock 2 offers 8GB storage capability which is ample for users to store quite a substantial amount of information.

他们见我神秘兮兮把鱼钩叫走,便静静尾随过来,也想跟着恺撒分开这只惹长短的船。Seeing that I asked Fishhook away mysteriously, they followed us secretly and now they wanted to leave this troublous corsair with Caesar.

得到手稿后的迈克雷不以为然,直到1991年,他在威勒尔半岛的地方电视上看到了关于海盗船的节目。Manuscripts received after the walk take exception, until 1991, he places in the peninsula Weileer saw on television on the Corsair program.

于是,哈迪教授花费450英镑购买了一个顶尖技术的地下公路检测探地雷达,它能显示海盗船的精确位置和大小。Therefore, Professor Hadi spent 450 pounds to buy a top technology of the underground highway GPR, it shows Corsair precise location and size.

为了加强在您的USB驱动器上存储的数据保护私人和机密,海盗船给用户带来了一个新的挂锁2个USB闪存驱动器。To enhance the protection of private and confidential data stored in your USB drive, Corsair has brought to users a new Padlock 2 USB Flash Drive.

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据悉,这一挖掘行动会由世界著名的海盗船挖掘领头专家、来自挪威的博士克努特·琶斯克实施。It is learned that this action by the mining world famous Corsair lead mining experts from Norway, Dr. historians asking the implementation of Yugansk.

曾经资助他出海的贵族和商人们惊喜于三倍的财富回报,纷纷主动热忱预定继续参与赞助下一次的海盗之旅。The gentry and merchants who had put up the money for the expedition received three hundred percent profit and pleaded to underwrite his next corsair voyage.