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雅芳也有同样的经历。Avon has the same experience.

第一位雅芳女士大卫.麦可尼是个男人。The first Avon lady was a man.

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埃文河的天鹅别有心思。The swan of Avon has other thoughts.

雅芳致力于皮肤抗老化的研究。Avon is devoted to anti-aging research for skin.

雅芳证实了停职一事,但没有提供细节。Avon confirmed the suspensions but gave no details.

医疗中心和碧湖公园大街国税局。Center Avon Park Avenue Medical taxes and interest.

与此同时,威瑟斯彭担任雅芳大使也为其赚了不少钱。Witherspoon also earns as an "ambassador" for Avon.

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雅芳多远的梦想香水喷雾1.7佛罗里达州。盎司。Avon Far Away Dreams Eau de Parfum Spray 1.7 fl. oz.

埃文湖,俄亥俄学校排名电话传真网址。Avon Lake, Ohio school Address Telephone Fax arrangement.

作为雅芳化妆品的形象代言人,瑞茜也赚到不少代言费。She also earns as an ambassador for cosmetic range, Avon.

他被誉为英国的民族诗人和“吟游诗人”。He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon".

为了使雅芳度过这一阶段,钟的计划就是坚持原计划。To guide Avon through this next phase, Jung's plan is to stick to the plan.

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狗,猫,小狗,宠物及其他供销售或采取埃文湖周围,呵呵。" Dogs, cats, dogs, pets and other Avon Lake for sale "or" to take around, huh.

观赏镇上的绚丽的花园,乘着小舟游览埃文河。View the town's colorful flower gardens and take a boat trip along the River Avon.

植物园占地30公顷,其中大部分位于艾芬河的附近。The Botanical Gardens cover an area of 30 hectares, most of which lie near the Avon River.

钟彬娴很快提出也应该提供给那些地位稍低的女性一些就业机会。Ms Jung is quick to point out that Avon offers opportunities to women in humbler positions as well.

希腊半岛与埃维亚岛之间的海潮以凶猛多变闻名于世。Greek peninsula and Avon Olivia island ocean tide with fierce changeful between famous in the world.

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2006年,雅芳获得了首个在华直销牌照,这一事实也令雅芳深感自豪。In 2006, Avon was granted the first direct-selling license in China, a fact Avon has often trumpeted.

截至目前,记者没有联系上雅芳的相关人士,欧莱雅的发言人则拒绝发表评论。Avon could not immediately be reached. A spokeswoman for L'Oreal, based in Paris, declined to comment.

装有多片玻璃的窗子正敞向广阔的田园,在那里,黑亮亮的奶牛正在阿文河泥泞的浅滩上吃着青草。Multi- paned windows open to fields where glossy black cows graze by the banks of the muddy Avon River.