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她穿着一条细棉布的裙子。She wears a skirt of cambric.

叫他替我做件麻布衣衫。Tell her 2 make me a cambric shirt.

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请她为我做一件衬衫。Tell her to make me a cambric shirt.

告诉她为我缝一件衬衫。Tell her to make me a cambric shirt.

请她为我做一件粗布衫。Tell her to make me a cambric shirt.

告诉她为我做一件棉布衬衫。Tell him to make me a cambric shirt.

这样再请她来取走他的薄衫。Ask him to come for his cambric shirt.

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将所有的花样都用缝线固定在胚布上。Then tack all the patterns onto the cambric cloth with sewing thread.

她掏出细亚麻手绢,揩丈夫的西装背心。And taking out her cambric handkerchief she wiped her husband's waistcoat.

我们希望不久将能告知贵公司麻纱已全部售完。We hope soon to announce to you that we shall close the sale of the cambric.

为了保证涤棉细布的质量,降低浆料成本,采用价值工程原理优选了浆料配方。To improve polyester cotton cambric quality, its sizing prescription is optimized by using value engineering principle.

“我没有,”这个少年抽泣着,从我手里挣脱出来,用他的白麻纱手绢结束剩余的清洁工作。I didn't,' sobbed the youth, escaping from my hands, and finishing the remainder of the purification with his cambric pocket handkerchief.

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告诉他做件细麻纱衬衣,玫瑰花瓣镶嵌在衣襟里,不要显露出缝边和针工,这将是我最美丽的嫁衣。Tell her to make me a cambric shirt. Parsely sage rosemary and thyme. Without no seams nor needle work. Then she will be a true love of mine.

当她用一把又硬又快的剪刀尖,在一块白亚麻布上剪出一个一个的小洞眼作什么莫名其妙的装饰品的时候,庞得贝先生就坐在那儿盯着她。Mr. Bounderby sat looking at her, as, with the points of a stiff, sharp pair of scissors, she picked out holes for some inscrutable ornamental purpose, in a piece of cambric.