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鸡冠花,远远看去红得像一团火焰。Cockscomb , well looked red, Just like a flame.

那头骡子仰着头,皮笼头上的红缨,像是秋雨里一朵艳红的鸡冠花。Leather halter on Hongying, such as in a rain of red cockscomb.

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我五彩缤纷的羽毛。美丽的冠子。你们谁有呢?。My colourful feathers. My beautiful cockscomb. Who have these just like mine?

美丽的冠子。你们谁有呢?哦!你说什么?。My beautiful cockscomb. Who have these just like mine? Oh! What are you saying?

一个戴黑帽子的奸细站在爱奥尼柱涡卷的阴影中。Judas wearing black cockscomb had hidden himself in the shaded volutes of an Ionic column.

其一是“鸡冠花”系列油画作品,其二是“飞沙”系列综合材料作品。One is "Cockscomb Flowers" oil painting series, the other is "Flying Sands" comprehensive material series.

研究不同浓度抗旱剂对鸡冠花生长的影响。Studies on the influence of drought -resistent agent of different concentration on the growth of cockscomb.

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一个分形几何中最常用的递归算法所画的鸡冠花,仅几行代码。A fractal geometry of the most commonly used recursive algorithm painting cockscomb , just a few lines of code.

鸡冠国以鸡为神,但斗鸡总败在大龙国金鸡脚下。Cockscomb country is a god with chicken, but cockfighting always be defeated in big Long Guojin gallinaceous foot falls.

凤头鸡冠花花是一个令人惊讶的美丽和顽强的花,使任何一个惊人的除了花园或景观。Crested Cockscomb flowers are an amazingly beautiful and hardy flower that make a stunning addition to any garden or landscape.

斗鸡这天,鸡冠国设下埋伏,把大龙国皇帝和众大臣困住。Cockfighting this day, cockscomb country sets next ambuscading, big Long Guohuang the Supreme Being and numerous chancellery box up.

串红和鸡冠花也不甘示弱,你看,串红像是许多特制的冰糖葫芦插在土里。String of red and cockscomb to be outdone, you can see, red string like a number of tailor-made sugar-coated haws inserted in the earth.

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凡中药诸如实菫、桔梗、鸡痈、豕零等等都有它们独特的药效,用在适当的病症上都是极其珍贵的。Each medicine, such as wolfsbane, radix platycodi, cockscomb grifola has its unique function and is precious when being used properly for certain disease.

我知道的,是与鸡冠花吃猪鼻,治疗,鼻出血,由于良好的热馒头引起的食谱,我不知道可以为您的孩子有用。I know of a recipe that is steamed with the cockscomb eat pig nose, treatment, nose bleeding due to heat caused by good, I do not know can be useful for your child.

始于2006年的“鸡冠花”系列相较于马永强之前的水彩风景和石版画而言,显得张扬得多。Compared with the watercolor landscapes and lithographs Ma Yongqiang created previously, the "Cockscomb Flowers" series which was started to created in 2006 are much more expressive.

鹿茸精是从鹿茸提取的有效成份,经临床观察,本品有促进全身细胞新陈代谢,增加白细胞及增强血液凝固力等作用。本文报道了鹿茸精注射液对鸡雏冠及体重的影响。Pantocrine tends to stimulate cell metabolism in organism and increase weight and cockscomb of chicken. Pantocrine also is a powerful tonic. It is good for sexual disorders and weakness.

报道了鸡冠花红色素的提取和理化性质的研究,为鸡冠花红色素的提取和应用提供了科学依据。The present paper reports the extraction of red pigment from cockscomb and its physicochemical properties, which provides scientific basis for the extraction and application of the red pigment.