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这条新闻的揭露震惊了公众。The new's disclosure shocked the public.

Schneck博士并未披露财务状况。Dr. Schneck reports no financial disclosure.

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这就意味要制造个可读的公开声明。That means making disclosure statements readable.

大揭露的路程只是经历了一个小坎。The road to disclosure has hit only a small bump.

财务报表的列报与披露。Presentation of financial reporting and disclosure.

无论是什么情况,都必须要求完全公开。Ser said. In all cases, full disclosure is required.

披露资料愈多的公司通常得分愈高。A high level of disclosure correlated with a high score.

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.D.是指公司财务信息的完全披露,这是证交会的一项规定F.D. stands for full disclosure -this is a SEC regulation.

是指公司财务信息的完全披露,这是证交会的一项规定F.D. stands for full disclosure -this is a SEC regulation.

送奶工是一种获得信息披露和信息透明度的不错途径。The milkman is a model of good disclosure and transparency.

泄露机密信息会导致坐牢。Disclosure of secure information can result in imprisonment.

美国与英国谴责了本次公布行为。The UnitedStates and Great Britain condemned the disclosure.

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邮递员传递了已揭密的机密文件。The carrier delivered the confidential disclosure documents.

但是我也想要你把揭露看成分很多步进行。But I also want you to think of Disclosure as coming in stages.

此信息披露要求的行政协调会的主题。This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc.

但是,当前它们不受数据公开控制的影响。However, currently they are not subject to data disclosure control.

“解蔽”或“促逼”是人类凭借技术所达成的。Disclosure and herausfordern is accomplished depending on technology.

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施耐德曼也认为他的采访对象从揭示的真相中,获得了一种释放。Schneiderman also believes his interviewees benefited from disclosure.

在美国,可以发传票强令互联网公司公开网络用户的身份。In the U. S. , subpoenas can force the disclosure of online identities.

这种傻瓜式拥有者分享了伯克希尔公司并且拥有公开的政策。The Fool owns shares of Berkshire Hathaway and has a disclosure policy.