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建议找个对多汗症有研究的,神经生理学方面的专家。Find a neurologist who specializes in the neurophysiology of hyperhidrosis.

研究的结果已经在神经心理学杂志的7月号上发表。The results were published in the July issue of the Journal of Neurophysiology.

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那个时候,我们当中的一位转到杜克大学任职,并在那儿建立了神经生理实验室。At this time, one of us moved to Duke and established a neurophysiology laboratory there.

搞清楚针灸与痛的心理学和神经生理学,将会找到更好的理论。Understanding the psychology and neurophysiology of acupuncture and pain will lead to a better theory.

特别指出,神经生理学的研究将为理解自我的本质做出新的贡献。It was shown that neurophysiology study on self would make a new contribution to understand nature of self.

卡罗林斯卡学院的神经生理学教授马丁•英格瓦说,研究结果十分“令人激动”。Martin Ingvar, a professor of neurophysiology at Karolinska Institute, said the results were "very exciting.

卡罗林斯卡学院的神经生理学教授马丁?英格瓦说,研究结果十分“令人激动”。Martin Ingvar, a professor of neurophysiology at Karolinska Institute, said the results were "very exciting."

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人们认为,他对视网膜的重要研究,是视神经生理学的每一个实际进展的基础。His basic studies on the retina are considered the foundation for practically every advance in the neurophysiology of vision.

该所的建立促进了斯洛伐克心血管生理学与人类神经生理学,以及心理生理学的专业性研究。Its establishment has allowed the promotion of research in cardiovascular physiology and human neurophysiology and psychophysiology on a professional level in Slovakia.

本文分别从神经生物化学、神经生理学、神经解剖学及信号转导等方面综述雌激素同学习记忆功能的相互关系。This review explained the relation between estrogen and learning on a few aspects such as neurobiochemistry, neurophysiology , neuroanatomy, signal transduction and so on.

史蒂芬·L·麦克尼拥有哈佛大学神经生物学博士学位,任巴罗神经学研究所行为神经生理学实验室主管。Stephen L. Macknik is director of the Laboratory of Behavioral Neurophysiology at the Barrow Neurological Institute and earned a Ph.D. in neurobiology from Harvard University.

也就是说,意识经验不仅是神经生理学和神经心理学现象,同样也是一种主体经由社会建构的心理学现象。That is to say, consciousness experience is not only a phenomenon of neurophysiology and neuropsychology, but also a kind of psychological phenomena that is constructed by subject via society.