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被糟蹋掉的谷物数量极大。The spoilage of corn was considerable.

微生物引起的食品腐败Spoilage of Food Caused by Microorganisms

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色泽一般是成熟和败坏的标志。Color is commonly an index of ripeness or spoilage.

食品的氧化还原电势也影响食品的变质。The oxidation-reduction potential of a food also influences spoilage.

这些酸把水果并减缓细菌酸的性质。These acids give the fruits tartness and slow down bacterial spoilage.

为避免食物变质,要彻底检查、清洁冰箱及工作场地。Check fridges thoroughly to keep the place clean and to avoid spoilage.

自然透湿阻碍了雾和腐败的窗口包。Natural moisture permeability deters fogging and spoilage of window packs.

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这些威胁包括自然发生的细菌和其他病原体导致的变质。These threats include both naturally-occurring spoilage bacteria and pathogens.

监督并审查破损并采取适当的措施减少损坏。Monitors and investigates spoilage and recommends appropriate actions to reduce.

监督和调查损坏的物品并提供减少损坏的建议。Monitors and investigates spoilage and recommends appropriate actions to reduce.

存货损毁是由于入店行窃、破坏和废品等原因造成的商品损失。The loss of merchandise through such causes as shoplifting, breakage, and spoilage.

霉菌、酵母菌和细菌是引起酸乳腐败的主要微生物类群。The molds, yeasts and bacteria are main microorganisms causing spoilage of yoghurt.

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只选择没瑕疵的蔬菜和水果,损伤部分往往是腐败开始的地方。Choose only unblemished fruits and vegetables, as bruises are where spoilage starts.

某些东西,尤指食物是易腐败的。常用做复数。Something, especially foodstuff, subject to decay or spoilage . Often used in the plural.

经过发酵的食品可以使食品具有保藏性而不会发生食品的变质。Fermentation by some microorganisms can lead to food preservation instead of food spoilage.

它很少的量就能抑制致使食品腐败的所有霉菌和酵母菌。Small quantities of Natamycin can inhibit all moulds and yeasts, which cause food spoilage.

因损坏所受的损失应在过了保质期10天内被退还给供应商。The spoilage should be returned to the Supplier within 10 days after the date of spoilage act.

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此外,高白利度的糖浆能抵抗存储中微生物腐败。In addition, high-Brix syrups offer greater resistance to microbiological spoilage on standing.

他们真的很难区分真正的变质和无关紧要的损坏之间的区别。They have real difficulty trying to tell the difference in quality changes and safety spoilage.

损坏细菌不引起疾病但减少保存期限和消费者对食品的可接受性。Spoilage bacteria do not cause illness but reduce shelf life and consumer acceptability of foods.