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斯努克表示,里德尔将会在法庭上进行自我辩护。Snook said Riddell planned to represent himself in court.

斯努克,以及是物件导向的并被埋伏的犯罪分子。Snook are object-oriented as well, and are ambushing predators.

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男孩在被训斥之后在警察背后作轻蔑的手势。The boy cocked a snook at the policeman's back after being scolded.

那男孩在被训斥之后在警察背后做蔑视的手势。The boy cocked a snook at the policemen's back after being scolded.

保守党人就这一法规向他们的首相表示了轻蔑。Tories cocked a snook at their prime minister over this legislation.

她非常傲慢,总是很瞧不起乡下来的人。She is so pompous and always cocks a snook at people from the countryside.

检察官史蒂芬·斯努克表示,希望还能给此人再加上一条盗用他人身份的罪名。Prosecutor Stephen S. Snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges.

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彼特本质上很可能是一名无政府主义者——他总是嘲笑当局。Peter is probably an anarchist AT heart—he's always cocking a snook AT authority.

当他某一天在一次听证会上见到里德尔后,他对里德尔身份的怀疑开始加剧。Then, when he saw Riddell at a hearing, Snook said he started getting very suspicious.

斯努克盐或新的水中,可以找到和宽容的盐度的广泛范围。Snook may be found in salt or fresh water, and are tolerant of wide ranges of salinity.

两百年来能如此藐视大英帝国而且平安无事的印度人就只有你而已。It's been two hundred years since an Indian cocked a snook at the British Empire and got away with it.

陷入贫穷与无聊的他们觉得朝警方以及那些经商的“有钱人”竖中指很有趣。Poor and bored, they think it's a bit of a laugh to cock a snook at the cops, and at the "rich people" who own businesses.

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这样的结果,是通缩会造成经济螺旋向下,让衰退成为深度持久的萧条。As a result, deflation can contribute to downward economic spirals and turn a recession into a deep and lasting depression, " said Snook.

他信否认对王室不忠,并对泰国当前的“贵族”政府嗤之以鼻。His backers point the finger at the irascible Mr Thaksin, who denies disloyalty to the throne while cocking a snook at “aristocratic” Thai government.

不久前,�德尔已被送进监狱,并面临未经授权行使律师职能的指控。检察官史蒂芬·斯努克表示,希望还能给此人再加上一条盗用他人身份的罪名。Riddell was jailed Tuesday and faces a charge of unauthorized practice of law. Prosecutor Stephen S. Snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges.

不久前,里德尔已被送进监狱,并面临未经授权行使律师职能的指控。检察官史蒂芬·斯努克表示,希望还能给此人再加上一条盗用他人身份的罪名。Riddell was jailed Tuesday and faces a charge of unauthorized practice of law . Prosecutor Stephen S. Snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges.

斯努克后来又接到了多封来自�德尔的信件且双方几乎每天通一次电话。当他某一天在一次听证会上见到�德尔后,他对�德尔身份的怀疑开始加剧。He ended up getting more letters from Riddell and almost daily phone calls. Then, when he saw Riddell at a hearing, Snook said he started getting very suspicious.