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我不喜欢单独旅行。I loathe travelling alone.

我们痛恨、厌恶这些不折不扣的魔鬼。We hate and loathe these veritable fiends.

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但是我厌恶这个术语,要么获得一切,要么一切都不要。But I loathe this term and want all or nothing.

不管是爱他还是恨他,你都必须尊敬他。Love him or loathe him, you have to respect him.

当你晕车的时候,会讨厌闻到汽油的味道。You loathe the smell of gas when you are carsick.

我厌恶消极态度,不能忍受唉声叹气的人。I loathe negativity. I can't stand people who moan.

他们痛恨媒体,厌恶国会,诸如此类。They hate the press, they loathe Congress, and so on.

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我恨这晦气的橡胶。我厌恶这些肮脏的土人。I hate that damned rubber. I loathe the filthy natives.

我憎恨、厌恶、鄙视iPhone的键盘。I hate, despise, detest, and loathe the iPhone keyboard.

当你晕船时,你会厌恶油腻食物的气味。You loathe the smell of greasy food when you are seasick.

是的,我仍然讨厌那些核工业的骗子。Yes, I still loathe the liars who run the nuclear industry.

协议仍存可能,只是双方已经开始恶语相向。A deal is still possible, but the sides have come to loathe each other.

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经营谷歌的工程师们打心眼里厌恶以创造内容为主的业务。Google is run by engineers who sincerely loathe the content-creation business.

我讨厌跟团旅行,其它选择到北朝鲜旅行的人也是一样。I loathe travelling in groups, as did all the people who chose to make this trip.

男子可能知道他们做错了某件事,但往往厌恶说他们深感抱歉。Men may know they're wrong about something but often loathe saying they're sorry.

明明知道我讨厌菠菜和鱼,他还让我吃,即使我生病的时候也是这样。He fed me spinach and fish, knowing I loathe them. If I was sick, he made me eat that, too.

相反,我十分厌恶那些在黑夜醉酒以后,混乱的格斗场面,它们严重破坏了街道的和谐。I loathe the messy, bullying drunken battles that so often ruin our high streets after dark.

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卡钦斯基兄弟恨透了这档子事儿,他们最首要的是想树立一个清廉的政府,他们自身的清白是毋庸置疑的。The Kaczynskis loathe this sort of thing. They like to stand above all for clean government.

我真不知道是更厌恶你们德国人的野蛮兽性还是瞧不起你们的自作多情。I don't know whether I more loathe the brutality of you Germans or despise your sentimentality.

因此他们将非常不乐意出售阿奎罗,显然只有一笔巨大的报价才能引起他们的注意。Whilst they would be loathe to sell Aguero, a large offer may just prove too tempting to resist.