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1微秒就是一百万分之一秒。A microsecond is a millionth of a second.

难的是坚持走一百步,一千步,一百万步。It was the hundredth, the thousandth, the millionth that was hard.

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“纳米”基本上是毫米的百万分之一。-那么,一纳米到底有多小呢?Nano" is basically one millionth of a millimeter. -So, just how small is a nano meter?"

尿不湿生产商帮宝适公司将为美国的第三亿个婴儿终身提供尿不湿。Diaper maker Pampers offered a lifetime supply of disposable diapers to the 300 millionth baby.

单单密歇根大学参与计划扫描的一百万册图书已经在2008年2月送回了该校。The University of Michigan alone scanned its millionth book for the project back in February 2008.

相比而言,一个石英手表敏感度大概是一度的百万分之一,或是10-6度。A quartz wristwatch, by comparison, is sensitive to about a millionth of a degree, or 10-6 degrees.

根据鸽子洞原理,其中的2只火鸡体重最接近于精确到百万分之一磅的数值。By the pigeonhole principle, two of those turkeys must have the same weight to the nearest millionth.

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不列颠哥伦比亚地区在雨水中监测到低于导致甲状腺疾病当量百万分之一的辐射量。Radiation in rainwater in British Columbia was less than one millionth the amount shown to cause thyroid diseases.

美国一位人口统计学家曾说,从目前美国的人口走势来看,这第三亿个人可能会是一个拉丁裔男婴。One demographer has said the 300 millionth person would likely be a Latino boy given current U.S. population trends.

每秒执行一百万个事务并不意味着每个事务都可以在一百万分之一秒内执行完。Performing 1 million transactions a second does not mean each transaction can be performed in a millionth of a second.

11月30日,首都国际机场迎来今年第6000万名旅客,创造中国机场年旅客吞吐量新纪录。Beijing Capital International Airport welcomed its 60 millionth passenger in 2009 Monday, a record for a Chinese airport.

一汽大众是中国首个中外合资汽车制造商,成立于1985年,在2007年1月份生产出其第三百五十万辆汽车。China's first Sino-foreign automaker Shanghai Volkswagen, established in 1985, turned out its 3.5 millionth car in January 2007.

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量子点可以用微米来测量,一微米是10-9米或百万分之一毫米。Quantum dots typically have dimensions measured in nanometers, where one nanometer is 10-9 meter or a millionth of a millimeter.

黄发现,把用过的切菜板浸泡在95—105F的电解水中5分钟,可使细菌减少到原状态的百万分之一。Hung found that soaking a used cutting board in electrolyzed water for 5 minutes at 95 to 105F reduced bacteria up to one millionth the previous level.

问题在于,那个广告在那个站点上已经存在多时了,这意味着不止我一个人曾被告知自己是该站点的第一百万个访问者。The thing is, that ad has been up for a while, which means I'm probably not the only person who is told he or she is the millionth visitor to the site.

在镜头前微笑了无数次之后,爱因斯坦实在是受够了,于是,在面对摄影师亚瑟·赛西时,他不再展露微笑,而是吐了一下舌头。Upon being prodded to smile for the camera for what seemed like the millionth time, he gave photographer Arthur Sasse a good look at his uvula instead.

对每个原子,我们可以认为它都有10^30个可能的位置,因为我们不用担心一百万中改变,一个导致的误差。Every one of them, we can just say, look, there are 10 to the 30th available si es. Because we're not going to worry about a change in one in a millionth.

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再举另外一个例子,宇宙射线的波长不及万亿亿分之一英寸,而某些无线电波的波长却超过一英里!As another example, cosmic rays have a wavelength of lessthan a millionth of a millionth of an inch, while some radio waves have wave lengths of over a mile!

这里我唯一担心的成分就是二氧化钛,他们被微粉化或者减小到百万分之毫米的纳米形式。The only one of these I'm concerned about is titanium dioxide that has been "micronized" or reduced to "nanoparticles" one millionth of a millimeter in size.

后者可使电子元件的尺寸缩小到百万分之一米,大约只有一个原子的10倍大小。The other is nanotechnology, which promises to reduce the size of electronic components to one- millionth of a meter, or roughly 10 times the size of an atom.