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白云谦逊地站在天之一隅。晨光给它戴上霞彩。The cloud stood humbly in a cor.

记得我们在哥林多前书15章所读过的吗?Remember what we read from I Cor 15?

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英国管属于木管乐器。Cor Anglais belongs to woodwind section.

肺心病啊呀我还是得到整理的权利。Cor blimey I better get the defrag right.

“我认为我觉得有点儿惶恐。”科奥说。"I think I feel a bit scared, " said Cor.

“现在让我们去看看马儿。”科奥说。"Now let's go and see the Horses, " said Cor.

“阿钦兰的王子科奥殿下。”有个声音在门外说道。"His Royal Highness Prince Cor of Archenland, " said a voice from outside.

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目的探讨三房心的临床诊断和外科治疗方法。Objective To explore the diagnosis and surgical treatment of cor triatriatum.

任何人不得以任何理由与客户发生争吵,并严禁评论和辱骂客户。No one is allowed to quarrel with, comment on cor abuse customers for any reasons.

本文观察了60例失代偿期肺原性心脏病病人的血液流变学变化。In this paper, 60 patients with advanced Cor Pulmpnale were studied during hospiializar. ion.

阿布莱特将在本月结束后离任。Ablett will depart after the International Cor Groenewegen Tournament in Holland this weekend.

不论参数c和m哪个改变一点都有可能使聚类结果差之千里。Any change in the parameter cor parameter m may take a big change in the result of clustering.

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结论MTEE是诊断三房心畸形更为有效的一种方法。Conclusions MTEE is more effective for the diagnosis of the cor triatriatum than other anyone.

同样地,在林前15章﹕基督的复活与信徒的复活,也不能分开来理解。基督的复活乃是整个「复活收成」的「初熟果子」。Cor. 15—Resurrection of Christ and believers can't be separated as total—first fruits of the harvest.

目的探讨肺心病患者尿视黄醇结合蛋白的变化及临床意义。Objective To evaluate clinical value of retinal-binding-protein in urine of patients with Cor Pulmonale.

粤菜和淮阳菜的美味及热情周到的服务会使您真正体会到用餐的美妙感受。The delicious food, warm d cor and friendly staff make dining a truly wonderful and memorable experience.

这些大木材,表面上看被烟熏得黑黑的,有些地方被虫蛀了,烂了,但内芯却是十分坚硬的。The great timbers, darkened now by smoke, wormed in places, looking rotten on the surface, but hard in the cor.

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对肺心病90例患者进行血流动力学观察。Hemodynamic changes in 90 patients with pulmonary hypertension secondary to chronic cor pulmo-nale were reported.

荷兰摄影师科尔-博斯曼在南太平洋的所罗门群岛沿岸潜水时抓拍到这些令人惊叹的照片。Cor Bosman snapped these incredible shots while diving off the coast of the Solomon Islands, in the South Pacific.

因此范泰尔释放了凯伯的伟大异象﹕将人生的一切范围服在基督的统管之下。Thus Van Til unleashes the great vision of Kuyper, to bring all areas of human life under the sway of Christ see I Cor.