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她是我的同事。She’s my colleague.

爱工作,而非爱同事。Love your job, not your colleague.

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邀请外国同事共进午餐。Take a foreign colleague to lunch.

我完全相信我的同行是神智不清了。I made sure my colleague was insane.

患难同伴才是真同伴。A friend in need is a colleague indeed.

他已经向我告知新同事的情况。He has told me about the new colleague.

大卫,来见见王力,你的新伙伴。David, meet Wang Li, your new colleague.

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你需要给你同伴一个麦克风吗Do you want to mike your colleague here?

不要总是发电邮来与同事交流。Don't just send your colleague ane-mail.

我和我的同事合不来。I'm not getting along with my colleague.

这位是我的同事,阿诺德·兰登先生。This is my colleague , Mr Arnold Landon.

这是我的同事,豪格先生,大卫?豪格。This is my colleague Mr Hogg, David Hogg.

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在加纳共和国的同事有电传机,但没有传真机。A colleague in Ghana had telex but no fax.

这样跟好强的同事相处?How to get along with emulative colleague?

同事儿子特喜欢胡桃夹子。The son of my colleague loves nutcrackers.

也许你的同事转过来跟你说,Maybe your colleague turns to you and says,

我的同事每天让我搭便车。My colleague gives me a free-ride everyday.

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我今晚跟同事一起去吃北京烤鸭。I went to eat BeiJin duck with my colleague.

并最后一个去批评失败了的同事。The last to criticize a colleague who fails.

同事还在扣衬衫扣子。My colleague was still buttoning his shirt up.