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这里没有巧合,我任性的小人们。There are no coincidences my wayward little ones.

我只是任性过了头,不想当乖乖女。I just wayward too far, did not want to good girl.

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这将使每个目无法纪之徒都对法律充满恐惧。That should put the fear of the law in any wayward person.

舍不得回家的并不限于任性的男客。The reluctance to go home was not confined to wayward men.

那男孩任性的行为让她母亲数晚都睡不著觉。The boy's wayward behavior cost his mother many a sleepless night.

好的球童能做不仅仅是背球杆和追踪打出去的球。Good caddies do more than carry clubs and track down wayward balls.

我感觉我似乎要硬拖着我任性的大脑才能回到文章中。I feel as if I'm always dragging my wayward brain back to the text.

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我感觉好像我总是在把移开的思绪拖拽到文章中。I feel as if I’m always dragging my wayward brain back to the text.

人类是一种好奇的、梦想的、幽默的、任性的动物。Man, therefore, is a curious, dreamy, humorous and wayward creature.

如果你遇到一大块形状不规则的月球岩石,不要企图拿它卖钱。If you come across a wayward chunk of moon, don't try to cash in on it.

我们将整理,编录并给予这些任性的诗句和散文以新的生命。We will sort, catalog and give new life to the wayward verse and prose.

六七个小节长时间的渐弱之后,音乐的情绪陡然改变了。The mood changes abruptly after six or seven bars of wayward decrescendo.

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这阵任性的风是安定不下来的风,是一阵想要四处漂泊的风。The wayward wind is a restless wind, a restless wind that yearns to wander.

这是什么鬼地方?炕队?你是一只迷途的羔羊吗?。What is this place?Welcome. are you a wayward soul in serching of direction?

这个云带就像一个任性的宠物,在它经常要返回之前,现在已经失踪了。Like a wayward pet, the belt has gone missing before and has always returned.

是沵小奇迹,收起任性只怕错过沵。Is multitudinous small miracle, I'm afraid to miss wayward away multitudinous.

这阵任性的风是安定不下来的风,是一阵想要四处漂泊的风。And the wayward wind is a restless wind, a restless wind that yearns to wander.

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丹死时,他曾与之为友的顽童们都在主要悼丧者之列。When Dan died, the wayward boys he had befriended were among the chief mourners.

佛罗里达州罗德岱堡附近,一只任性的短吻鳄在清晨高峰时段制造了一场骚乱。A wayward gator made a mess of the morning rush hour near Fort Lauderdale Florida.

在佛罗里达州罗德岱堡附近地区一只任性的短吻颚将早上高峰时间搞得一团糟。A wayward gator made a mess of the morning rush hour near Fort Lauderdale in Florida.