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非洲菊白粉病菌孢子的发芽管。Fig. 2. Germ tubes of conidia of the gerbera powdery mildew fungus.

图2。非洲菊白粉病菌孢子的发芽管。Fig. 2. germ tubes of conidia of the gerbera powdery mildew fungus.

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用农杆菌介导的方法将该质粒转化到非洲菊中。Agrobacterium method was used to transform the plasmid into Gerbera hybrida.

华美的非洲菊加亮这富有的着色的洋腊梅燕尾蝶。Colorful gerbera daisies highlight the rich coloration of a spicebush swallowtail butterfly.

该结果将对非洲菊试管苗产业化的进一步发展产生积极的影响。The results will have a positive impact on the further development of Gerbera jamesonii in vitro.

因此明确病害的病原菌,寻找非洲菊中与抗病相关的基因,对于防治病害具有重要意义。Clarify disease pathogens and find disease resistance genes mean a lot to prevent and cure gerbera disease.

本公司长年供应非洲菊种苗及鲜切花,欢迎惠顾,来人实地考察参观。The company's long supply Gerbera seedlings and cut flowers, welcome to visit and come visit the site visits.

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本文概述了大丁草属植物的化学成分和药理活性研究。The paper reviews the advance in studies on chemical components and their biological activities in Gerbera L.

非洲菊多采用无性繁殖的方式加以尘产,传统的无性繁殖的方式主要是采用分株繁殖。Accordingly gerbera is always yielded by asexual reproduction, and the traditional method is plant division propagation.

研究了含水杨酸和抗坏血酸的保鲜剂对非洲菊切花保鲜的生理效应。Two chemical agents were tested to investigate the preservation freshness effects on cutting flowers of Gerbera jamesonii.

总结了一套适宜贵阳地区的非洲菊规范化栽培技术,以期指导生产实践。A standardized cultivation technique suitable for Gerbera jamesonii in Guiyang area was summarized to instruct production practice.

现在国内的非洲菊优良品种均是通过从国外高价购进种子或种苗来获得,因此有必要利用各种育种方法培育我国自己的优良品种。Now the fine breed of Gerbera jamesonii all come from foreign country, so it is necessary to cultivate fine breed in our own country.

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阳光下的非洲菊看起来只有十七岁,因为只有十七岁的青春,才能绽放得那么随心所欲,热闹缤纷。The flourishing flameray gerbera looks like a 17 years old girl, because only in 17 could a girl laugh such colorfully without constriction.

运用美国LI_COR公司制造的LI_6400便携式光合作用测定系统,研究了非洲菊的光合特性。The LI_6400 Portable photosynthesis of LI_COR was used to study the photosynthetic characteristics in leaves of Gerbera hybrida in greenhouses.

由于各种病毒、微生物和害虫的侵害以及本身的耐热性、耐冷性不高,使非洲菊的品质提高受到很大限制。However, Gerbera is vulnerable to viruses, microorganisms and pests, and it is sensitive to heat or cold, which greatly limits its wide application to the market.

以非洲菊试管苗叶柄切段和幼花托为外植体,进行芽诱导分化培养比较试验。Petiole fragments and young receptacle derived from test-tube cultured flameray gerbera were used as explants, the induction and differentiation culture of buds experiments were conducted.