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普林西比希望为炼金术讨回名声。Dr Principe wants to rehabilitate alchemy.

而现在时间会为炼金术士们正名。Time, then, to rehabilitate the alchemists.

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帮助预防网球肘和康复之用。Helps prevent and rehabilitate tennis elbow.

没有资金修复那座塔。There was no money to rehabilitate the tower.

他想从老板那里恢复名誉。He tried to rehabilitate himself with his boss.

主要解决天然林的休养生息和恢复发展问题。It aims to rehabilitate and develop natural forests.

恢复水生态系统结构和水滨空间。To rehabilitate aquatic ecosystem and the waterfront areas.

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目前在威尼斯有一个试图为这些野蛮人正名的展出。Now an exhibition in Venice seeks to help rehabilitate them.

她说,麦道夫太太并没有努力恢复自己的形象。Madoff has not taken any steps that might rehabilitate her image.

受伤或疾病的受害者可以恢复使用自适应普拉提。Victims of injury or disease can use adaptive Pilates to rehabilitate.

医生们试图使战争中失去肢体的兵士恢复正常生活。The doctors tried to rehabilitate soldiers who had lost limbs during the war.

这个晚宴的主人,我的朋友苏珊,试着帮我在其他客人面前圆场。My friend Susan, the host, tried to rehabilitate me with the remaining guests.

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但有门学科却是个例外,最近正试图获得新生。One, however, has escaped recently, sro gold, and is trying to rehabilitate itself.

继续创新让不堪重负的江河湖海休养生息的有效途径。We will make continued innovation on the way to rehabilitate overloaded rivers and lakes.

使用已经沙化的土地的单位和个人,有治理该沙化土地的义务。Units or individuals that use desertified land have the obligation to rehabilitate the land.

凯瑟琳加拿大安大略省他的一切努力恢复费的债务紧缩理论。Catharines Ontario Canada for all of his efforts to rehabilitate Fisher's debt deflation theory.

因此,当发生牙冠残缺时应及时修复。Accordingly, should produce a tooth seasonable rehabilitate answers when the coronal is misshapen.

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项目将改造完成淠史杭地区32万公顷农田的现有灌溉设施,为17万公顷农田修建防洪工程,为22万公顷农田提供更可靠的灌溉,改善巢湖周边地区2.3公顷农田的排水条件。The project would rehabilitate &complete existing irrigation facilities on 320,000 ha in the Pishihang area.

旧的路基还在那里,不过需要相当多的工作去重建和铺设铁路。The old roadbed is still there, but would require significant work to rehabilitate it and lay the rails again.

与此同时,大幅度地提高农产品的价格,减轻农民负担,使农民得以休养生息。Meanwhile, raise the price of produce substantially, reduce farmer burden, make farmer be able to rehabilitate.