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现在孩子们睡着了。The accouchement are comatose now.

Michael昏昏沉沉地坐在精神病区接待室内。Michael sits comatose in the psych ward receiving room.

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伴随着周五的日子接近午夜翻两番昏迷。With Friday's quadruple witching day being near comatose.

消防员跳进黑漆的水中救出了已经昏迷的凯特。A fireman jumped into the black water below to retrieve a comatose Fleming.

如果你昏昏欲睡整天坐着,身体糟透了,if you're comatose and sit behind the chair all day and just your body sucks,

千万不要让你内心深处的那个天真孩童因为太久无人搭理而处于昏睡状态,让我们一起将他们唤醒的吧!Never put your inner child comatose from disuse, let's revive him or her together!

专家估计市场的麻木状态可能将持续到至少明年年底。Experts reckon that the market may remain comatose until at least the end of next year.

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第一个在月光林地的玛法里奥兽穴中发现他昏睡身体的是泰兰德。Tyrande was the one who discovered his comatose body in his barrow den in the Moonglade.

不久之前,泰兰德在月光林地的大兽穴中发现了玛法里奥陷于昏睡的身体。Not long ago, Tyrande discovered Malfurion's comatose body in his barrow den in the Moonglade.

象他这样昏迷不醒的人竟在一年以后又恢复知觉,这真是令人难以置信。It is incredible that a comatose man like him should have regained consciousness one year later.

东方不败弄了一辆车子推着昏迷的令狐冲,看着令狐冲难过的样子自己也伤心落泪。The east doesnt hurt to get a car pushing comatose ling, ling at sad look oneself also sad tears.

张大富思来想去,直到天边发白,也没有睡着。Open widely rich think to want to go, until beyond the horizon deliver white, didn't also fall comatose.

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而你的妻子却不幸得了中风,陷入昏睡状态,你永远都不能再感受到她的爱了。And your wife, God forbid, gets a stroke and she's comatose. And you will never experience her love again.

四年前当他因亵童指控站在加州法庭上时,他的音乐事业已停滞不前。Jackson's career was all but comatose four years ago when he stood trial for child molestation in California.

一个好奇的小人,检查他的昏睡状态,找到用短矛的尖端撩拨其鼻孔的好办法。A curious Lilliputian, inspecting his comatose form, puts the sharp endofhis half-pike a good wayuphis nostril.

我跟我爸爸在一起住了一个星期,在这个星期里,她用了吗啡,神智差不多是处于昏迷状态,躺在她的房间的走廊里,糊里糊涂地吵闹着。My father and I spent the week in which she was nearly comatose on morphine arguing in the hall outside her room.

一个好奇的小人为了检查他昏睡的状态,找到一个好办法,将其末端锋利的半截矛桶到他的鼻孔中。A curious Lilliputian, inspecting his comatose form, puts the sharp end of his half-pike a good way up his nostril.

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其血液内每分升含有416毫克酒精,这足以使她昏迷不醒,抑制其呼吸系统。She had 416mg of alcohol per decilitre in her blood, enough to make her comatose and depress her respiratory system.

摄相机镜头记录了年轻的竞选志愿者半死不活地躺在沙发上,或者在公园里游荡。The camera showed pitiful young campaign volunteers lying comatose on a couch or wandering aimlessly through a park.

她们目前能做的也只能是对他的肉体释放魔法以保证肉体在他昏睡中仍保持健康。All they have been able to do for him is place enchantments on his body to keep it in good health while he is comatose.