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名誉晋升是美军曾用的一种军衔。Brevet is a form of military commission formerly used in US armies.

这一切都取决于你相信,电影评论家说,布拉德布雷维特。It all depends on what you believe, said film reviewer Brad Brevet.

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战争结束后,艾伦比晋升为陆军上校。By the end of the war, Allenby had reached the rank of brevet colonel.

老犯人布莱卫穿件中央监狱的灰黑色褂子。The ex-convict Brevet wore the black and gray waistcoat of the central prisons.

裁判长是从优秀的一级裁判员中抽签产生。They are selected, by draw, from the Category I Brevet Judges of good standing.

庭长向他说的话和他刚才向布莱卫说过的那些话,大致相同。The President addressed him in nearly the same words which he had used to Brevet.

主办单位仅得使用该区域的资格卡。The organizers must obligatorily use the brevet card of their own geographical area.

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国际裁判员要全身心地为发展技巧运动服务。Judges with an international brevet are integral to the development of Acrobatic Gymnastics.

我从未后悔我晋升朵芮丝为上尉与让她担任我的轮机长的决定。I have never regretted my decision to assign Torres the brevet rank of lieutenant or make her my chief engineer.

因为顽强和勇敢,他迅速地赢得了名声,在1848年战争结束的时候他已经晋升为陆军少校。He quickly earned a reputation for toughness and bravery, and by the war's end in 1848 he held the rank of brevet major.

一般依据FIG裁判员规则总则和技巧评分规则发放裁判员晋级卡和裁判员证书。The general principles relating to brevet cards and Log Books are located in the FIG General Judging Rules and the Code of Points.

布莱卫是个六十左右的人,面目象个企业主,神气象流氓,有时是会有那种巧合的。Brevet was a person sixty years of age, who had a sort of business man's face, and the air of a rascal. The two sometimes go together.

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国际体操联合会秘书处在考试6周内将考试结果通知参加考试的裁判员。The FIG Secretariat informs each national federation of the brevet awards of its candidates within 6 weeks of the conclusion of the exam.