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山形墙上的精美浮雕。Beautiful reliefs on the pediment.

另一家公司是山花我遵循黄金。Another company I follow is Pediment Gold.

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IT媒体的确有了一种山花烂漫的热闹。IT media had a kind of pediment really brilliant lively.

一条断了的石栏杆竖在平台的前端,如同一条断腿。One broken baluster is placed on the pediment like a fractured leg.

从中心切除一个圆形的正统山形墙是什么?What was this classical pediment with a circle shape cut out of the centre?

创造了一个共享的入口为新老建筑的衔接,它在装饰性的山墙旁。The old and new buildings converge to create a shared entrance beside an ornamental pediment wall.

我认为,山花黄金可能是收购的目标,或许还有额外的好处,在这种情况下它。I think Pediment Gold is possibly a takeover target and perhaps there is additional upside to it in that scenario.

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结果表明,内陆干旱地区的地表径流主要形成于中、高山区,散失于山前平原和沙漠。The results show that the surface runoff mainly are formed in the middle and the high mountainous area in the inland arid areas and dissipate in the pediment plain and desert.

最具特色的是中央部分的三角形山墙,山墙顶部矗立著一座希腊特弥斯女神蒙眼雕像,用以代表公义。The most outstanding feature of the building is the pediment in the centre portion which is surmounted by a blind-folded statue of justice represented by the greek goddess themis.

后期的断块隆升形成新的断层崖,原先的麓原面和宽谷被抬升,冲沟从断层崖开始溯源侵蚀形成阶地。Later-stage block uplift formed new fault scarp, the previous pediment surface and the wide valley were uplifted, and the gully started retrogressive erosion from the scarp to produce a terrace.