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怎样治疗脚抽筋?How to treat crural cramp?

小腿抽筋引起小腿肌肉疼痛?。Does crus cramp cause crus muscle ache?

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纳达尔从头承受拜候,说他年夜腿抽筋了。Nadal returned to announce he felt cramp in his thigh.

你的占有欲会束缚白羊热爱自由的天性。Your possessiveness will cramp the Aries free-loving nature.

到最后你会抽筋,或者会造成长期的伤害。you're going to end up developing a cramp or a long term injury.

他不会舒服自己的思想,也不会片面地看待人和事。He does not cramp his mind, nor take half-views of men and things.

起初,伤风感冒,甚至严重一点的的痉挛,都能让我惊慌。Initially, a cold or the flu — even a bad cramp — can cause panic.

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我一只手仅仅割破了一点儿,另一只手的抽筋已经好了。My hand is only cut a little and the cramp is gone from the other.

太阳穴偏头痛及鼻塞,经痛均有效。Good for temporal migraine and nose congestion and menstrual cramp.

温斯顿停了笔,部分是由于抽筋的痛楚。Winston stopped writing, partly because he was suffering from cramp.

除非晚上的气温降得太低,否则它不应该再抽筋了。It should not cramp on me again unless it gets too cold in the night.

那个游泳的人突然抽筋,须由人把他拉出水来。The swimmer had an attack of cramp and had to be lifted from the water.

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另外一个消除抽筋的方法是使用暖水袋。Another technique to relieve a cramp would be to apply a warm heating pad.

在“呜呜”的哀号声中,跪在地上的这名流浪汉屈辱地用舌头猛舔鞋底。The cramp kneeing down on the ground licked the soles hard with his tongue.

你能在岔气、小腿抽筋、脚抽筋的情况下继续坚持游泳吗?Can you keep swimming when you get a side stitch, calf cramp, or foot cramp?

笔拿得太紧、太久,常引起书写疼痛症。Holding your pencil too tightly for too long often gives you writer's cramp.

远离可乐与咖啡因,可避免胃痉挛,建议喝花草茶。Stay away from cola &caffeine, to avoid stomach cramp and opt for herbal tea.

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是的。如果你不做,游泳时你腿可能会抽筋儿。Yes, it is. If you don't, your legs could cramp up while you are in the water.

昨天我的腰有些酸,脚也有点抽筋。I experienced a minor muscle pull in my lower back yesterday and also a foot cramp.

对于那些稳定经济却让他们束手束脚的监管,他们并不需要。They don’t want regulations that would stabilize the economy but cramp their style.