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主啊,请听听我的祈祷吧。Lord, hear my prayer.

此刻是安静的祈祷者Now the quiet prayer.

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我们跪下祈祷吧。Let us kneel in prayer.

她叹息地说出祷告词。She sighed out a prayer.

学会感恩祷词。Learn a gratitude prayer.

那是我为你的祷告。That is my prayer for you.

他检了起来,于是成为他做祈祷用的幸运石。It became his prayer stone.

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虔诚的祈祷用处何有?What was the use of prayer?

还有白塔、玛尼堆。White tower, prayer stones.

你的祈望就是你的祈祷。Your desire is your prayer.

这是一个非常简单的祷词。It's a pretty simple prayer.

我今天为了什么而祈祷?What is my prayer for today?

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忙乱对祷告是致命的。Hurry is the death of prayer.

让我低下头来祈祷。Let us bow our heads in prayer.

我们不排斥任何的祷告。We do not proscribe any prayer.

他在祈祷时高举双手。He upraised his hands in prayer.

请求您接受我们至诚的祈愿。Please accept my sincere prayer.

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这一点对于祈祷也适用.This also holds true for prayer.

谁要你来管祷告的?Who made you the prayer sheriff?

刚祷告完回来。He is just returning from prayer.