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我们过度崇拜成功和地位,从而削弱了彼此间的尊重。We idolize success and status and thus undermine our mutual respect.

假如人能够了解彼此,那他们就不会相互崇拜或者憎恨。If men could only know each other, they would neither idolize nor hate.

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在摩托车特技表演界,有没有谁是你的偶像?In the world of motorcycle stunt riding, is there anyone that you might idolize?

他们希望妻子们把他们当偶像,同时他们是非常好的怒气探测器。They want their wives to idolize them, and they arevery, very good anger detectors.

他们崇拜着没人知道的某号人物,聊起此人来仿佛就像他们是同事一样。They idolize people who nobody knows and speak of them as if they were his colleagues.

他解释说,因为40多岁的中国男人只喜欢把他们视为偶像的20多岁的女孩。Because, he explained, 40-something Chinese guys only want 20-something women who will idolize them.

根据一所大学的研究,香港青少年崇拜粤语歌星超过自己的父母。Hong Kong teenagers idolize Cantopop stars more than their own parents, according to a university survey.

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崇拜偶像是好的,因为我们常常想做的跟他们一样,这也是一种正能量。Having someone to idolize is a good thing, for we are always trying act like them, it is a kind of positive power.

我们的爱情对象可能是伴侣、孩子、亲密的朋友或者甚至是我们从没遇见过的偶像。The object of our love may be a mate, a child, a parent, a close friend, or even someone we idolize but have never met.

伊尔-拉兹开始变得极端崇拜帕尔帕丁,甚至发动了一系列的血腥屠杀以试着取悦皇帝。Il-Raz began to idolize Palpatine, and initiated a series of bloody massacres in an attempt to win favor with the Emperor.

人们喜欢把自己崇拜的女演员的海报贴在墙上,因为他们眼中的明星是如此的富有。People can want to plaster posters of the actress on their walls to idolize them as they could see them as being unfairly rich.

真的,普林斯顿大学学生,说成,崇拜教授,或许不太恰当,但能在普林斯顿大学执教,的确可以说是达到了事业的巅峰期。Really. It's one of these things Princeton students, I wouldn't say, idolize the professors, but it's really viewed as a pinnacle to teach at Princeton.

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足球放在首位,亿万中国的足球迷们醉心于足球,盼望足球早日冲出亚洲,走向世界。Football is first place. The Chinese football fans idolize football. They hope that football is able to dash out of Asia and walk up to the world at an early date.

我希望我们的文化不再是宣扬明星与名流,应该更多的去关注那些塑造我们孩子的未来的人们。Instead of a culture where we're always idolizing sports stars or celebrities, I want us to build a culture where we idolize the people who shape our children's future.

现在很多青年人崇拜流行歌手,并有追星热,与此同时许多优秀的传统艺术濒临失传。At present time quite a number of young men idolize pop singers and have a craze of seeking after the stars, at the same time, many fine traditional arts are on the verge of loss.

我认为答案是,即便是那些精英人物也对能够挣大钱的人存在固有的崇拜情结,并且假设那些人知道自己在做什么。The answer, I believe, is that there’s an innate tendency on the part of even the elite to idolize men who are making a lot of money, and assume that they know what they’re doing.

这不仅仅对于非裔美国人是这样,其实,许多白人和其他种族的人,崇拜那些东西的都会更容易卷入犯罪中去。It's not just true for African-Americans either, in fact, a lot of white and other races that idolize the same things and act the same way seem to get involved in crime a lot more.

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罗丹的雕塑富于感性特征,强调动感,醉心于表现流动的光线。他是一个把理性思考和感情因素如此恰当结合的雕塑家。The sculpture of Rodia's abound in sensibility character, insist innervation, idolize represent running ray. Who is a sculptor to holds sense think and sensation factor combines so felicity.