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探险家的工作是很艰苦的。It's toilsome of explorer to work.

郑和是一位著名的中国探险家。Zheng He was a mous Chinese explorer.

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F10用于折叠或打开资源管理器中的文件菜单。F10 toggles the file menu in explorer.

探险者进入了阿拉斯加的丛林地带。The explorer went into the bush of Alaska.

某种预感警告探险者将有麻烦发生。Some prevision warned the explorer of trouble.

“快乐地探索”意思是成为一个探索者。“To joyfully explore” means to be an explorer.

这小说是一个奋斗者和探索者的传奇。This novel is a legend of a struggler and explorer.

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加拿大毛皮商和探险家。Canadian explorer and fur trader. Born in Bennington, N.

一位探险者绳降进入到阿曼的马吉里斯尔金洞穴。An explorer descends into the Majlis al Jinn cave in Oman.

戴维‧李文斯顿是来自苏格兰的医生及探险家。David Livingstone was a doctor and explorer from Scotland.

当地人认为探险家被恶魔附身了。The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend.

当地人认为,这个冒险家被一个魔鬼虏去了。The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend.

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访问数据库浏览器的概况图特性。Visit the Overview Diagram from Database Explorer feature.

我想成为一个像十九世纪探险家一样的探险者。I get to be an explorer like the nineteenth-century explorers.

BIRT提供了数据浏览视图以简化该任务。To facilitate this task, BIRT provides the Data Explorer View.

“新加坡考察者”的旅游安排中有没有这些小街?Does the Singapore Explorer program include the narrow streets?

探险队员们对山顶的景色叹为观止。The group of explorer were stunned by the view from the summit.

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韦拉扎诺绝对算不上一个伟大的探险家Though Verrazano is by no means considered to be a great explorer

哈得孙河是以英国探险家亨利·哈德孙的名字命名的。The Hudson River is named after the English explorer Henry Hudson.

那个考察者寻找尼罗河发源地的尝试失败了。The explorer failed in his attempt to find the source of the Nile.