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我现在还经常这样做。I still do this frequently.

我常骑自行车。I ride a bicycle frequently.

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经常回顾你的目标。Review your goal frequently.

他经常打断我。He interrupted me frequently.

她常常讲法语。She speaks French frequently.

你喝啤酒的频密程度是?How frequently you drink beer?

请经常给我来信。Please write to me frequently.

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谈对电话,经常。Talk on the phone, frequently.

频繁地触摸鼻子。Touching their nose frequently.

你睡觉的时候经常把床汗湿了吗?Do you frequently sweat the bed?

经常漫步在瑞德。And frequently walked about Ryde.

频繁地向高层汇报情况。Update top executives frequently.

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最近他来得很勤。Recently he comes very frequently.

是的,我经常包水饺。Yes , i frequently make dumplings.

经常和你的上司核对一下绩效。Check in with your boss frequently.

我越来越不能常看到父亲了。I saw Dad less and less frequently.

我自己使用它们也很频繁。I use them quite frequently myself.

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狐狸常因尾巴而被捕。The tail did frequently grab the fox.

他读的时候常常读错。While reading, he fluffed frequently.

最野性的人之一就是雪儿了。Cher is frequently one of the wildest.