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日航800纽约班机何时抵达?When do jal flight 800 from new york arrive?

日航留在寰宇一家具有极大价值.我们正与美国航空和其他联盟成员向日航展示这点.There is huge value for JAL in being in Oneworld.

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日航在两国之间拥有庞大的航线网络。JAL between the two countries has a huge route network.

给我订两张去香港的日航104班机的经济舱机票。Book me two economy class seats on Jal flight 104 to HongKong.

政府要求京瓷公司创立者稻盛和夫来领导日航。The government has asked Kyocera founder Kazuo Inamori to lead JAL.

我们把车开上长坡道,在日航办理乘机手续的柜台前停了下来。We drive up the long ramp and stop in front of the JAL check- in counter.

尾西健没有给出时间表,但表示日航将很快决定同哪家公司进行联营合作。Onishi did not give a timetable, but says JAL will decide on a partner soon.

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例如,日本航空公司公布了截止2009年6月30日第一季度的净亏损是10亿美元。JAL for example reported a USD1 billion net loss in its first quarter to 30-Jun-2009.

在恰赫巴哈尔,没有经过特殊许可,不允许他们重建房屋。In Jal al-Bahr, they are not allowed to rebuild their properties without a special permit.

日航基地巴哈尔,他们是不允许未经特别许可重建自己的物业。In Jal al-Bahr, they are not allowed to rebuild their own properties without a special permit.

与达美航空的合作将由日航新任主席稻盛和夫在星期一正式宣布。The partnership with Delta will be officially announced by new JAL Chairman Kazuo Inamori on Monday.

航空旅客昨日买进了日航股票,以获得该公司提供给股东的折扣票价。Air travellers bought JAL stock yesterday to obtain discounted fares that the airline offers to shareholders.

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达美和日航之间有许多相同航线,这使得二者可以在班期和票价方面进行合作,从而提高效率。Delta and JAL cover many of the same routes, allowing the two airlines to better efficiency through schedule and fare collaboration.

其它消息,美国航空积极反对日本航空和达美航空的合作,并表示日本航空“不用想都知道”应该选择与美国航空合作。In other news, American said it would aggressively contest any JAL-Delta Air Lines alliance and said AA’s offer to JAL was a “no-brainer.

美国航空则表示,若失去日航这个盟友,将使得寰宇一家失去与日本间的联系,从而将迫使该公司另觅合作夥伴.For its part, American has conceded that losing JAL would cut off Oneworld's access in Japan and force it to look elsewhere for a partner.

近日多项媒体报导指出,达美航空在横跨太平洋航线上航班架构相当有利,恐将对日航产生难以抗拒的诱惑.In recent days, reports have suggested that Atlanta-based Delta, with its strong transpacific route structure, could be irresistible for JAL.

当前尚未有任何别的援救组织能够提供安置工作,联合国的帮助也力不从心。吉尔巴的居民说他们无所适从。With no other aid organizations in the settlement, and the United Nations unable to help, Jal al-Bahr residents say they do not know what they will do.

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昨日,超过十亿股日本航空公司股票易手,创下东京证券交易所上市企业日交易量的新记录。最后日本航空全天上涨1日元,收于8日元每股。More than 1bn JAL shares changed hands, a record for one day's trading in a Tokyo Stock Exchange-listed company, and the airline finished Y1 higher at Y8.

萨尔瓦多•隆巴多是专为巴勒斯坦难民设在黎巴嫩的联合国机构的主管,他称他们部门也和恰赫巴哈尔一样,不允许重建住处。Director Salvatore Lombardo of the U. N. agency for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon says his agency also is not allowed to rebuild settlements like Jal al-Bahr.

Ris指出,美国航空有许多旅客透过日本航空合作航班飞往东京以外的目的地,包括日本国内及国际航线.Ris said a substantial number of passengers that American carries in its JAL partnership go beyond Tokyo to other cities on JAL domestically or internationally.