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你创造了一个神化,创造了一个奇迹。You created a deification and a miracle.

把金钱奉为神明,它就会象魔鬼一样降祸于你。Deification of the money, it will be like the devil, evil to you.

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因为这样,我们党也厌弃对于个人的神化。For the same reason, our party abhors the deification of an individual.

将乔布斯奉为神明是苹果最伟大的销售胜利The deification of Steve Jobs is Apple's greatest marketing triumph to date

事实上,我们有其他了解基督的神化教导的方式。In fact, there are other ways to understand the Christian teaching of deification.

斯蒂芬。乔布斯被快速且疯狂地神化,一出“玫瑰唯有死亡”的戏码。The deification of Steve Jobs was swift and amazing, an app that rose only in death.

那是一种远距离的崇拜,一种无言的仰慕,一个陌生人的神化。It was a sort of admiration at a distance, a mute contemplation, the deification of a stranger.

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第二部分论述的是唐宋时期医学人物神化现象产生的背景、原因。The second part deals with the background and reasons for the phenomenon of medical people's deification.

对尼采来说也是,这观点与,神化生命有关,不止好还神圣。And for Nietzsche too the view is associated with the deification of all life, it's not just good but holy.

而这些口述剧本,则以三国演义、西游记、封神榜、水浒传等小说为主体。Such as Romance of three kingdoms, journey to the west, The legend of deification and Outlaws of the marsh.

第二,唐宋时期医学人物神化现象分析,这是本部分的重点内容。Section II, the phenomenon of medical people's deification during Tang-Song era, which is the focus of this section.

结果呈现一致,由此可知,民众对义民爷的神格认知的确呈现这几类。The results are the same, so the researcher ascertains the interviewees perceptions in the deification of Yi-min gods.

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因此,在西方国家,目的都是基督徒理由的,但在东部地区,这是比较与上帝和神化。Hence, in the West, the aim of the Christian is justification, but in the East, it is rather communion with God and deification.

他们有占星学阶层,利用十二宫图,把四季神格化成波斯人的密特拉教祭礼。They superimposed astrology, the use of the zodiac, and the deification of the four seasons onto the Persian rites of Mithraism.

这些说法把心理学神化了,其实,心理学就是一门研究人的心理活动的规律的科学。These allegations to the deification of psychology, in fact, a study of psychology is the psychological law of scientific activities.

迟子建小说对动物感恩母题的运用方法是直接运用、叠加运用、拓展运用和神化运用。The methods Chi Zi-jian applied in her novels on the motif of animals' gratitude include direct, superposition, expansion and deification.

因为,无论是弗丽达卡还是阿玛丽娅、这些卡夫卡笔下的主人公所追寻的道路正是那条从相信爱情到把荒谬奉若神灵的道路。For the path pursued by Kafka's hero from Frieda to the Barnabas sisters is the very one that leads from trusting love to the deification of the absurd.

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古埃及被神化了的时间历法更进一步的运用是,能通过恒星与星群的运动指明任意时刻的掌控恒星。The Egyptian deification of time went further, to the point where almost every moment had its own presiding ruler based upon the stars and constellations.

传统精神文化的独特性使传承过程形成了血缘性和神化性的特点。The distinctive characteristic of traditional energetic culture made inheritance process to perform characteristics of blood relationship and deification.

春秋至战国中期,人们对始祖的尊崇使得黄帝文化得以形成并且发扬光大,而道教的兴起和发展以及对黄帝的神化也推动着黄帝文化的形成。Peoples' respect for the ancestors in this period makes it come into being and later Taoism's rise and development as well as the deification of Huang Di promotes its formation.