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想想亚瑟王、梅林和王者之剑吧!Think of Arthur, Merlin, and Excalibur.

贝德维尔爵士去了湖边,他将神剑Excalibur远远地扔在水里。Sir Bedivere went to the lake. He threw Excalibur far into the water.

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他们将这把剑称为圣剑,它看起来完全符合他们的要求。They called the sword Excalibur , and it seemed everything they had asked.

而梅林从湖上女王维安的手中获得了圣剑Excalibur。At the same time , Merlin got a saint sword Excalibur from Lake Queen Vian.

现在他传说中的王者之剑的碎片已全部在我手中,然而我的探求之路却还远未结束。Now the pieces of his legendary sword excalibur are in my hands and yet my quest is far from over.

神剑Ib的合同由两个阶段组成,历时22个月,总价值为6000万美元。The Excalibur Ib contract is in two parts over 22 months with a total contract value of $60 million.

舍神剑张狂、大气,也是七剑中最有生命力、最坦荡的剑法。Excalibur Zhangkuang homes, the atmosphere, Seven Swords is the most viable, the most magnanimous of swordsmanship.

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财富选择神剑是著名的为他们的美味的餐饮选择,精心策划的对世俗的旅行者。Fortune Select Excalibur is renowned for their delectable dining options, carefully curated for the worldly traveler.

“魔剑”是一种已经进行了试验的先进武器,它增强由核爆炸产生的x射线。One advanced version is the Excalibur , already being tested, which boosts the X ray produced by a nuclear explosion.

享受这个古怪的世界中,埃特兰西瓦尼亚海盗,当你在空间的类型在5个有趣的游戏!Enjoy the wacky worlds of Transylvania, Pirate, Space Excalibur as you take on 5 unique challenge types in one fun game!

断钢剑是湖中女仙给予亚瑟王的,是一把真正的剑中剑,只有具有一颗真诚的心的人才能得到它。Given to King Arthur by The Lady of the Lake, Excalibur is the true sword of swords and can only be obtained by the true of heart.

沿街往前走,神剑饭店前面有另一场大战,那是魔术师梅林与恶龙的对决。Just down the boulevard in front of Excalibur Hotel another battle takes place, this one between Merlin the magician and a Dragon.

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梅尔林想尽一切办法使得他相信自己的真实身份,并要在巫师用邪恶的黑势力掌握整个世界之前回到他们自己的时代。Merlin must convince Arthur of his true identity, before Morgana can retrieve Excalibur and allow the Dark Forces to take over the world.

当圣剑同样离去的时候,我将回到黑暗与寒冷之中,在这里,迟钝的魔鬼可以安睡。When Excalibur is likewise gone, I shall return to the darkness and the cold, to this place where a dull serpent can sleep without dreaming.

临终时,亚瑟命令拜德维尔爵士把神剑埃克斯卡利伯投入湖中,使之不致落入恶人之手。Facing death, Arthur ordered one of his knights Bedivere to throw Excalibur into a lake, so that the sword could not fall into the wrong hands.

濒临垂死边缘的亚瑟王已经不能再被搬到安全的地方了,因此他派贝弟瑞和将其宝剑丢向附近的湖里,然后回来告诉他他看见什麽。Arthur is dying and cannot be moved to safety. And so he sends Bedivere to throw Excalibur into the lake nearby, then return and tell what he has seen.

默林讲述起亚瑟王如何从湖上夫人那里夺得神剑的故事,但其他骑士早就听腻了,结果他们都昏昏入睡。Merlin tells how King Arthur got his sword Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake, but the other knights are so familiar with the story that they fall asleep.

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拼合王者之剑的钥匙,同时也是我母亲最为珍视的纪念物,那个我父亲从加纳带回来送给她的坠子,被她遗落在了那里。The key to restoring Excalibur is also the relic my mother prized most, innocently given to her by my father in Ghana to replace the pendant she lost there.

该剑是第一轮的这类型发射的士兵来自第25步兵师的第二斯瑞克旅战斗队,第11场炮兵团。The Excalibur was the first round of this type fired by soldiers from the 25th Infantry Division's 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 11th Field Artillery Regiment.

不,圣杯去了,就像王者之剑离开了一样,我应该回到又冷又黑的地方去,只有在那一条迟钝的大蛇才能无梦安眠。No. The Grail has gone. When Excalibur is likewise gone, I shall return to the darkness and the cold, to this place where a dull serpent can sleep without dreaming.