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女人的眼睛为什么如此富于魅力?Why have women such eyes of witchery ?

艺术不同于巫术、巫术艺术及娱乐艺术。Art can't be regarded as witchery, witchery art or entertainment art.

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鲁迅作品中的巫鬼世界是一个完整的系统。There is an integrated system of witchery and ghost world in Luxun's works.

积淀在刑天神话中的干戚之舞,蕴含巫术宗教因素。Ganqi performance in Xingtian myth contained witchery and religious factors.

地球上每一个区域的政治形态和政党都有各自独特的魅力。The political form and party in every area of the earth has all kinds of witchery.

他的作品充满神话传说、楚地巫风和瑰丽的想象。His works were filled with myths, legends, witchery mores and magnificent imagination.

其传统习俗保留着纯朴的信仰观念与远古的仪式。The festival traditional customs preserve pure and simple belief and witchery ceremony.

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由性爱巫术引申而来的有关“蛊”的传说始终影响着人们的情爱生活。Therefore, the demagogic witchery has been influencing the love of the ethnic people of Yunnan Province.

同样,地球上每一个区域的政治形态和政党都有各自独特的魅力。In the same principle, the political form and party in every area of the earth has all kinds of witchery.

刑天神话属于巫术神话向宗教神话过渡时期的一种神话类型。Xingtian myth was one kind of myths which produced during the period from religious myth to witchery myth.

所以,我尊重每一种政治形态和政党的魅力,因为它们共同促成了全人类的幸福。So I respect the witchery of every political form and party because they built the happiness of the world together.

本文就性巫术祈雨仪式的演变进行了初步考证。In this paper, the author does primary research on the changing of the rituals of praying for rainfall by sex witchery.

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魅力亦是一种态度,奠定人最终成熟时的氛围,受品位与智慧左右。Witchery is also an attitude which settles the atmosphere when you be mature, is influenced by quality and intelligence.

我得到像样的大理石杵和迫击炮,在旧货市场约13美元,我认为巫可能有一些相似的。I got a decent marble pestle and mortar in flea market for about 13 dollars, I think The Witchery may have something similar.

云南少数民族中普遍存在着有关巫蛊的信仰,性爱巫术即属于其中一种鲜为人知的“秘术”。There exists a common faith in the demagogic witchery among the ethnic groups of Yunnan Province, and the erotic sorcery is one of the types.