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你可以教我打国际直拨电话吗?。Can you tell me how to use IDD?

这是您的长途电话费。This is the charge for your IDD calls.

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请问这儿可以打国际直拨电话吗?Excuse me, can I make an IDD call here?

我们宾馆设有国内和国际直拨电话系统。We've got DDD system and IDD system in our hotel.

国际长途德律风的收费标准是每分钟8元人平易近币。The price for IDD is the cost plus 8 RMB per minute.

我们所有房间都配有国际直拨电话和海内直拨电话系统。All our rooms are equipped with IDD system and DDD system.

如果是文字传真,价格和长途直拨拨电话一样计费。Iff it is a document, the price is as much as an IDD call.

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请注意,某些国家或区域是没有国际直拨电话服务的。Please pay attention that there are no IDD services in some countries.

新生儿TSH筛查是监测碘缺乏病的更敏感指标。Neonatal TSH screening may be a more sensitive index for monitoring IDD.

总结贵州碘缺乏病分布区生态地质环境特征。There is a relation between IDD distribution and the contents of iodine.

食盐加碘是预防碘缺乏病的有效措施。Iodized salt is recognized as an effective intervention for control of IDD.

国际直拨电话和总机转电话在付费方面有区别吗?Is there any difference in charge between IDD calls and operator call then?

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早在1985年到1992年,他就参与了中国对抗缺碘症的工作。He was previously involved in the fight against IDD in China from 1985 to 1992.

你也会找到关于往年国际民主节庆祝会的记录。You will find a record of all the past years' celebrations of the IDD here too.

您的房间内配有国际直拨电话,卫星电视,迷你吧和闭路电视。Your room is equipped with IDD telephone, satellite TV, mini-bar and in house movies.

如何从源头控制私盐,是四川消除IDD中合格碘盐供应努力方向的关键所在。It is the key in eliminating IDD in Sichuan to control private salt from the very beginning.

碘缺乏症的解决办法很简单,并且具有成本效益,因为碘很容易添加到食盐中。The solution to IDD is simple and cost-effective as iodine can easily be added to table salt.

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结论单纯以食盐加碘能如期达到碘缺乏病消除目标。Conclusions The goal of eliminating IDD by the year 2000 can be reached through salt iodization only.

房间提供24小时冷热水、电视、空调、互联网、国内国际直拨电话等配套设施。The guest rooms provide cold and hot water for 24hours, television, air-condition , ADSL, IDD and DDD.

地方议会可能会为了庆祝国际民主节而设有公开日,你可以借此接触到国际民主节相关的额外信息。If there is an Open Day on offer celebrating IDD, you will be treated to additional information about the IDD.