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那所大学就在一家摩托车代理行的对面。The Institute is on the opposite side of a motorcycle dealership.

令人感到心烦的还有,特斯拉竟然在宝马的家门口慕尼黑开了一家代理店。Annoyingly, Tesla opened a dealership in Munich on BMW’s doorstep.

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下述文字摘自一汽车交易经理的备忘录。The following appeared in a memo from a manager of a car dealership.

我决定去一家车行看车的那天雪下得非常大。Snow was falling heavily the day I decided to visit a car dealership.

经销关系中的任何用户都可以修改为这个经销关系创建的任何产品。Any user in a dealership can modify any product created for dealership.

如果用户已经创建了一个经销商,那么他可以将另一个用户添加到经销关系中。If a user has created a dealer, he can add another user to the dealership.

一家汽车代理商是怎样使得他们72%的新顾客成为回头客?How does a car dealership get 72 percent of its first-time visitors to return?

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当你一把新车开出经销商处,它就折价了。A new car depreciates significantly the moment you drive it out the dealership.

咱们一起去汽车交易行吧,我会帮你把这辆车卖个好价钱的。Let's go to a car dealership. I'll help you try to sell your car for a good price.

该少年同警方在一家汽车经销商处展开枪战,随后据称饮弹自尽。He engaged police ina shoot-out at a car dealership and then apparently shot himself.

亚运村汽车交易所是北京最大的汽车经销代理商。The Asian Games Village Automobile Exchange is the biggest car dealership in Beijing.

这个经销店想要增加未来的销售并部署了数据挖掘来实现此目标。The dealership wants to increase future sales and employ data mining to accomplish this.

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这个数据库将存储可以从二手车代理商那里获得的简单汽车信息。This database stores simple car information that you can get from a used car dealership.

正确的购车程序能让你在发货价的基础上获得数百甚至数千美元的优惠。The right car dealership program can save hundreds or thousands of dollars off the invoice.

一年后,他将新书的整整一章用来细述当时在汽车经销店的一幕。Years later, he devoted an entire chapter of his book to his encounter at the car dealership.

奥迪2009年在榆林已经开设经销店,宝马一年不到接踵而至。Audi opened a dealership in Yulin at the end of 2009, BMW followed suit less than a year later.

2015年取得博世代理权,强强联合打造出了更优秀的暖气系统。In 2015, MOULUR got the dealership of BOSCH, the powerful combination makes better heating system.

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隔壁是另一家豪车销售处,专卖各式各样的高档欧式轿车。Right next door is another luxury car dealership selling a variety of other high-end European rides.

奥迪在北京的德奥达汽车经销商处有玩具赛车轨道、一个美容师,还有一个小型电影院。Audi's Deaoda dealership in Beijing features a slot-car racing track, a hairdresser and a small cinema.

希腊的石油商人和帕纳辛奈科斯功能界别的股东,拥有法拉利的经销商。Giannis Vardinogiannis, Greek oil businessman and Panathinaikos FC shareholder, owns Ferrari dealership.