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鱿鱼丝是很好吃的点心。Dried cuttlefish is tasty snack.

鱿鱼丝是很好吃的点心。Dried cuttlefish is a tasty snack.

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绝对不要去拥抱这个墨鱼!Don’t try to cuddle this cuttlefish.

让我咬一口你的墨鱼丸。Give me one bite into your cuttlefish.

一只雌性的乌贼往往会有两个追求者。A female cuttlefish is courted by two males.

同样,墨鱼的市场也在复苏。Similarly, the cuttlefish market is improving.

那么,巨型的乌贼会不会就是人们传说中的海怪克莱根呢?Is the king cuttlefish the sea monster Klaigen in legend?

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墨鱼肉洗净,切碎,放入碎肉机内打至碎。Wash cuttlefish flesh and finely chop . Process in mincer.

墨鱼熟后,取出切件,淋上芡汁,趁热品尝。Remove cuttlefish when cooked, slice and serve with the sauce.

墨鱼熟后,取出切件,淋上芡汁,趁热品尝。Remove cuttlefish when cooled, slice and serve with the sauce.

我对如何烹调那些墨鱼和龙虾毫无概念。I have no idea about how to prepare those cuttlefish and lobsters.

烧烤解冻后墨鱼丸直到熟为止。Defrost cuttlefish ball and grill or barbecue till cooked and serve.

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乌贼鱼很喜欢,并且好好吃,但是正一定更长时间比我生活?I eat cuttlefish sometimes, but surely lives for a longer time than me?

牙膏我用墨鱼骨和野生茴香种子混合而成。For toothpaste I use a mixture of cuttlefish bone and wild fennel seeds.

鱿鱼及墨鱼吸吮水变成他们的尸体,然后喷射出来。Squids and cuttlefish suck water into their bodies and then squirt it out.

来看看从类人猿到乌贼是如何面对地震的。Here's a look at how they responded, from the great apes to the cuttlefish.

墨鱼洗净,切成圈状或块状。番茄切块。Wash the cuttlefish , cut into rings or pieces. Cut the tomato into pieces.

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花枝也是另一项与羹汤十分速配海鲜材料,花枝羹也受到广泛的欢迎。Cuttlefish is another great element in making potage , which is also popular.

如果牠们愿意咬墨鱼骨,也建议给予牠们来增加钙质。Provision of a cuttlefish bone, which can be gnawed if desired, is also recommended.

他们进行了同样的研究,但用乌贼代替章鱼。They will conduct the same type of studies, but with cuttlefish instead of octopuses.