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徒步走在玛雅废墟上。Hiked a Mayan ruin.

玛雅人的预言。The prophecies of Mayan.

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玛雅古籍是玛雅人的文字记录。A codex is a Mayan written record.

玛雅第五世于1987年结束。The Mayan fifth world finished in 1987.

在德累斯顿抄本玛雅象形文字。Mayan hieroglyphics in the Dresden Codex.

凯克奇人民所说的一种玛雅语言。Mayan language spoken by the Kekchi people.

一种尤卡坦人说的马雅语。A mayan language spoken by the yucatec people.

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说服人们去一趟马雅王宫之旅。To convince people to go on a tour of Mayan palaces.

历史上,巧克力曾经是只有玛雅王国和阿兹特克国王的国王才能享用到的饮料。Chocolate was once the drink of Mayan and Aztec kings.

南墨西哥恰帕斯中部的马雅印第安人。Mayan Indian group of central Chiapas in southern Mexico.

地下世界或西瓦尔巴是玛雅宗教的核心。The underworld or Xibalba was central to the Mayan religion.

但是就是这些玛雅人的历法使人担忧。But it is the Mayan calendar that is causing people to worry.

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在八世纪和九世纪期间,玛雅文化衰退了。The Mayan culture saw a decline during the 8th and 9th century.

玛雅掠袭者,他一定会成为一个你喜欢的移动程序。Mayan Raiders will surely become one of your favorite mobile apps.

如今我们有艾什顿库奇站进去发言,援用玛雅历法。Now we have Ashton Kutcher speaking out, citing the Mayan Calendar.

到公元前2000年,我们看到一个复杂的文化出现了,它就是玛雅人社会。By 2000BC, we see a complex culture called the Mayan society emerge.

擎天柱,霸天虎刚刚从玛雅神殿发射了飞舟!Optimus, the Decepticons just launched a ship from the Mayan Temple!

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马雅人的历法预言了世界将于西元2012年12月21日毁灭。The Mayan calendar predicts that life will end on December 21, 2012.

最著名的几座玛雅金字塔位于奇琴伊察玛雅城邦遗址中。Among the most famous of the Mayan Pyramids are those at Chichen Itza.

在中美洲度假的时候,我们参观了古玛雅遗址。We visited the ancient Mayan ruins on our vacation to Central America.