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它已经失去了所有感官的实在性。It has lost all sensuous reality.

你感到自己性感、激情。You feel sexy, sensuous and passionate.

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济慈就像一只蜜蜂,他非常感性。Keats is like a bee. He's all into the sensuous.

她是非常女性化的,性感的,但绝不会主动。She is feminine, sensuous and would never take the lead.

伯格曼给导演事业带来了激情和美感。Bergman brought an emotional and sensuous appeal to directing.

李富财阴险调皮,并且但愿享受,是远近最暴虐的人。Li Fucai was sinister and sensuous. He was the cruelest man around.

我们已经宣誓守贞,但也有着感官欲望的问题。We, who have taken the vow of chastity, have our sensuous problems.

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包围著客厅的花以其刺激人的香味使他窒息。The flowers that wreathed his parlor stifled him with their sensuous perfume.

感性活动原则的最重要特征是受动性与能动性。The most important properties of sensuous activity are passiveness and activeness.

如果只是抚摸毛发,那很好,是感官享受。If you just stroke the little hairs, it is cool, its pleasant, and its sensuous enjoyment.

或者是,过上在街头涂涂抹抹和牢房之间互动的感性城市生活。That, or a sensuous city life of alternating between street art missions and serving time.

那是感官方面激情的,沉浸爱河,处于恋爱期和坠入爱河。That's the in sensuous and the passionate and staying in love, being in love and falling in love.

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在纽约-纽约大酒店的索拉奇艺坊的人类动物园,你可以尝试体验到人性的更真实的一面。Get a taste of a more sensuous side of reality with Cirque du Soleil's Zumanity at New York-New York.

而与之形成鲜明林的感性和动力学的作品所引发的情感承诺,使你黯然泪下。The stark emotion evoked by Lin's sensuous and kinetic creations promises to bring tears to your eyes.

她也跟雷斯脱和珍妮一样,已经被那热和春天和月光等等的肉感势力所支配了。She, like Lester and Jennie, was under the sensuous influence of the warmth, the spring, the moonlight.

翻译大概“这是玩的时间!杜蕾斯提出了一系列全新的润滑油旨在使您更快乐-和柔滑,感性的对待。”杜蕾斯就不用我解释了吧。Durex presents a whole new range of lubes designed to give you more pleasure – and a silky, sensuous treat.

在大马士革的感性传统中,通向市集的拱状入口黑暗、神秘,而且形似子宫。In the sensuous tradition of Damascus, the vaulted entrance to the souk was dark, mysterious and womb-like.

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这一整个月里,不仅火星落于白羊座,掌管感官的金星也是。Not only do you have Mars in Aries, but you have sensuous Venus in Aries too, and that will be true all month.

那天晚上,他就一径冥想这件事,那时月亮用着一种盛旺的肉感的光辉照在地上。To-night he was brooding over this, the moon shining down into the grounds with an exuberant , sensuous luster.

这个刚刚翻新的酒店带有60个房间,装饰有组合了艺术品和美感材质的穆拉诺玻璃支型吊灯。The 60-room newly-revamped hotel has decor teaming Murano glass chandeliers with artworks and sensuous materials.