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她丝毫没有失去那份天真烂漫。She has lost none of her naivety.

这真是有些自我陶醉天真烂漫。Its a mixture of narcissism and naivety.

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就算有什么缺点,也只是天真而已。if there was any weakness, it was naivety.

客户们是因为天真而选择宽恕的吗?Are clients forgiving to the point of naivety?

婴宁的天真烂漫使得黄章爱她更为深刻。Yinling's naivety made Huan Zang want to love her more deeply.

我刚刚向他们最后表明了我的天真。And I have just provided them with a final proof of my naivety.

这对我来说是一件新鲜事,我不免有些疑惑是否如此天真行事的只有我一个人。As that was news to me, I wondered if I was alone in my naivety.

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第一章论述二人所采用的童稚视角的叙事策略。Chapter one expounds child's naivety narration tactics of the article.

这种萌萌哒形象在日本被视为“天真烂漫”的象征。These characters are perceived as symbols of youthful naivety in Japan.

我们的因应之道是更民主、开放和人道,但绝非天真无知。Our response is more democracy, openness and humanity, but never naivety.

格丁依据从艾尔热的文件中找到的信件彻底推翻了“天真”这个借口。Mr Goddin demolishes the excuse of naivety , thanks to papers found in Herge's files.

互联网上可能充斥着各种阴森恐怖的人,他们专门利用人们的天真无邪。The internet can be full of dark, scary people who prey upon people`s naivety and innocence.

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他们看到了亚马逊客户某些程度上的天真,这些人认为不可能出什么差错。They see in Amazon customers a certain level of naivety that nothing could possibly go wrong.

看起来球队心理脆弱,至少有点天真,即便是那些大型俱乐部也是如此。There seems to be a mental fragility – or at least naivety – even among some of the bigger teams.

也要感谢两位演员周冬雨和窦骁,他们的表演朴实动人,甜美芬芳。The young actor and actress have also performed excellently with incredible naivety and sweetness.

对这些神而言,这样的人似乎并不存在或者选择在薪资少的领域工作的人也只是被天真误导。To the gods, real people don't exist, or have chosen to work in lesser-paid professions out of misguided naivety.

低自尊会引起自我伤害甚至自杀,社交幼稚可能会引起被欺凌或者性侵犯。Low self-esteem can cause self-harming and even suicide, and social naivety can lead to bullying and sexual exploitation.

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粗者,则充分利用竹材的弹性,巧插灵编,粗犷豪放,工致质朴。Crude, Bamboo is full advantage of the flexibility of Hope skillfully inserted addendum wild, uninhibited, for his naivety.

正是始终着依赖受害者的单纯与不留心,网络犯罪才能骗过他们并危及其数据。Cybercriminals continue to rely on their victims' naivety and inattention in order to trick them into imperiling their data.

带着这种无限天真的恐怖主义是否已经让二十世纪民主社会的公民,在仇恨破门而入的时候开始感到震惊了呢?With what measureless naivety has the twenty-first-century democratic citizen managed to be surprised when hate breaks down his door?