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购买散装。Buy bulk.

批量访问方法和驱动程序。The bulk access method and driver.

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这个座位号已开端登机了吗?Has the seat bulk started boarding?

UDT是否只适合于大体积的数据?Is UDT only suitable for bulk data?

大部分锂矿存储于玻利维亚。The bulk of it is found in Bolivia.

原子的主体带正电荷。So, the bulk of the atom is positive.

为什么锻炼会让大脑增大?Why would exercise bulk up your brain?

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总把被子弄漫一大块。Always makes the quilt inundates a bulk.

她们盖了一大批房屋。They built a outstanding bulk of abodes.

他挺起巨大的身躯,从椅子上站了起来。He heaved his huge bulk out of the chair.

如果是散装货,应注明“散装”。If goods are not packed, state "in bulk".

电渗流引起大部分溶液的泳动。Bulk movement of solutes is caused by EOF.

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银不会发生体相氧化。There was no bulk oxidation of the silver.

葡萄酒指南里的大多数品酒记录就这样产生了。The bulk of the wine notes comes from this.

增加五章会增加此书的厚度。Adding five chapters will bulk up this book.

体积大并不总是意味着份量重。Great bulk does not always mean great weight.

大量的工作将落在你和我的头上。The bulk of the work will fall on you and me.

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她喜欢批量购买东西,比如面巾纸。She prefers buying things like tissues in bulk.

印度的大部分投资在尼日利亚。The bulk of Indian investments were in Nigeria.

他们增加了索引使词典更厚了。They added an index to bulk the dictionary out.