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有灵魂存在,但那只是理论而已。The Atman and so on, they are just theories.

阿特曼的纯粹意识是不会改变的。The pure consciousness of the Atman is unchangeable.

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舒展歌喉,闪亮自我,用声音传递心灵的空间。Extend singing voice flash atman with sound pass spirit space.

在你能明白你在做梦之前就将醒来,大灵。Before you can know that you're dreaming you'll wake up, Atman.

那些有分辨力的人不再把心视为阿特曼。The man of discrimination ceases to regard the mind as the Atman.

当心如同阿特曼本身一样纯粹时,就臻达完美。Perfection is attained when the mind becomes as pure as the Atman itself.

由此人们可认识阿特曼,并使此种认识毫无障碍。Hence comes knowledge of Atman and destruction of the obstacles to that knowledge.

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专念于阿特曼的独立性,便得到阿特曼的知识。By making samyama on the independence of the Atman, one gains knowledge of the Atman.

由此人们可以认识阿特曼,并使此种认识毫无障碍。Hence comes knowledge of the Atman and destruction of the obstacles to the knowledge.

由此人们可认识阿特曼,并使此种认识毫无障碍。Hence comes knowledge of the Atman and destruction of the obstacles to that knowledge.

心能够感知,因为它反映阿特曼又反映感知对象。The mind is able to perceive because it reflects both the Atman and the objects of perception.

他已学会如何在自我存在的深层体认识阿特曼--永恒不坏,与宇宙合一。He already knew to feel Atman in the depths of his being, indestructible , one with the universe.

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愚夫妄以为有实我、实法,实际上此二者都无客观存在。What the ignorant imagine to be a "real" Atman and "real"dharmas are devoid of all objective existence.

当这种意识被反映到心上时,心就表现出阿特曼的特征并显得有意识。As the reflection of its consciousness falls upon the mind, the mind takes the form of the Atman and appears to be conscious.

你意识到你的头脑整体是受限的吗?包括被期待是超级灵魂、自性的那部份。Do you realize that the totality of your mind is conditioned, including the part that is supposed to be the super-soul, the Atman?

实际上,是我们生命的本源体或者光化身,印度一个概念提到永恒的、无始无终的,充满光的实体,就是我们至尊的自已。It is actually our "Atman Self" or Avatar, a Hindu concept that refers to the eternal, timeless, and light-filled entity that is our Supreme Self.

对文学中“自我”的推崇和重视,有着深厚的传统文化浸染的根源,同时也与西方现代思想的影响分不开。And that he attached importance to Atman in literature deeply rooted from the traditional culture and was influenced by the western modern thoughts.

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它能建造一个意象并赋予那意象以延续性、永久性,称之为阿特曼或者无论你喜欢叫什么,它能记起丈夫或者妻子的脸庞并紧抓住不放。It can build an image and give to that image a continuity, a permanency, calling it Atman or whatever you like, and it can remember the face of the husband or the wife and hold on to it.