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天上蓝蓝飘彩霞。Choi Ha floating blue sky.

他们知道是怎么一回事。They knew what was ha ening.

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偷我菜的都是小猪,呵呵!My food is stolen pig, Ha ha!

我这是在哈里奇商店买的。I buy these in Ha Liqi's shop.

他犯了一个很大的错误。Ha cometido un error muy grande.

舞动倒映水中彩霞。Choi Ha dance reflecting the water.

他们都是戴着怪物面具的匈牙利人。Ha ha, these are not real monsters.

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她想在她的碗里加些糖?She wants sugar in her bowl?-Ha, ha.

你让我成为世界梦幻西游鬼将打书上最幸福的男人。You make me the ha iest man in the world.

中国现有森林面积13370万公顷。Forests blanket 133.7 million ha of China.

自从受伤以后,他就一直未能前来。He ha ot ee able to come ince he got hurt.

整个电解铝厂占地面积为190公顷.The area of the whole territory is 190 ha.

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这个男孩很活跃,但从来不惹麻烦。The boy is very active, ha never flays up.

对于那个问题我有一个好主意。I came upw IT ha good idea to that question.

我觉得自己是世界孤岛余生2中文版上最幸福的人了。I feel I am the ha iest person in the world.

这鸡已被出售给库克在河内。This fowl had been sold to a cocker in Ha Noi.

我不知道坏事为什么总是找上我。I don't know why bad things keep ha ening to me.

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那你忙哈,我去睡觉了。下次聊哈。Ha you busy, I went to bed. Kazakhstan next chat.

呵呵,也许是我太容易满足了吧。Ha ha, perhaps it is too easy that I am satisfied.

宋夫人真是谦虚啊,呵呵。The Sung madam is actually a condescension, ha ha.