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我们的船顶风逆浪航行。Our ship thrashed to windward.

法国位于欧洲迎风的一面。France lies on the windward side of Europ.

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他们在迎风的一边筑起了一堵两米高的土墙。They erected a 2-metre-high mud wall on the windward side.

真纳是康沃尔郡迎风的海岸边上的小渔村。The village of Zennor lies upon the windward coast of Cornwall.

龙之子号一路紧跟但还是最后一个绕标。Longtze remained in contact but rounded the windward mark in last position.

马提尼克岛,位于安的列斯群岛中的向风群岛的最北部。Martinique, Netherlands Antilles located in the Windward Islands of the most northern.

赛舟的队员正用完美划一的动作,驾着一只浮架独木舟破风斩浪,行驶在欧胡岛的海面上。Paddlers perfect their racing strokes in an outrigger canoe off Oahu's windward coast.

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增氧机一般应放置在鱼池中央,或图略偏上风的位置。Aerator should be generally placed in the center of fishpond or like windward on the drawing.

我已经不太记得那个向风的海岸在哪里了,但我记得那的确很美。Now I don't really remember where the windward coast was, but I do remember it was a really beautiful place.

其中以毛形感器为主,主要分布在触角内侧的迎风面。Sensilla trichodea was the most of them, which were mainly located on the inboard antennas and windward side.

加勒比海岛屿,位于安的列斯群岛尾端的另一端,可以对比着来研究。The Caribbean islands, which lie just beyond the tail end of the Windward Antilles , are a study in contrasts.

典型破片平均迎风面积判读系统主要用于炮弹破片面积判读。The reading system of typical fragments' average windward area is used to read the fragments' area of Cannonball.

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位于西印度向风群岛的一国家,由格林纳达岛和格林纳丁斯群岛南部组成。A country in the Windward Islands of the West Indies comprising the island of Grenada and the southern Grenadines.

尾气多几米远,空气污染程度都会大大下降。同时,不要走在吸烟人的后面。Walk on the windward side of the street where exposure to pollutants can be 50 pcercent less than on the downside.

养一只狗或许多狗或猫,它们是你迎风而上的支柱,以及爱的源泉。Have a dog or many dogs or cats in your life. These are your anchors to windward and your unfailing source of love.

此外,台风降雨的落区主要是山区,降水形式是迎风坡降水的特征。In addition, rainfall is almost distributed in mountain area, and performs the precipitation in the windward slope.

典型破片迎风面积测量设备主要用于弹丸破片迎风面积的测量。The metrical equipment of typical fragments average windward area was designed to measuring the fragments area of cannonball.

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卡斯特得斯圣卢西亚的首府,位于英属西印度群岛的迎风群岛上。由法国人在1650年创建。人口50,798。The capital of St. Lucia, in the Windward Islands of the British West Indies. It was founded by the French in1650. Population, 50, 798.

另一处在西天山东侧背风坡的柯坪附近,这里是新疆沙尘暴出现最多的地方。One is the windward of Tianshan Mountains, east to Yili river valley and exactly where the days of annual precipitation occurs in Xinjiang.

除迎风坡空气抬升和背风坡引起上升运动外,还有地形加热引起的上升运动,这些对水汽、能量等的垂直输送起着重要作用。Besides, topographic heating, air lifting on windward slope and lee wave play an important role in vertical transport of moisture and energy.