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这会使示例脚本在没有任何提示的情况下运行。This causes the sample script to run without prompting.

纽约队不太需要他们的教练比尔·帕索斯的鼓动。New York needed little prompting from their coach Bill Parcells.

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此时会弹出一个捐赠提示框。A pop-up message will display prompting you to donate if you can.

提示数据库连接细节的屏幕将会出现。A screen prompting for database connection details will be presented.

出现这个提示是由于下面讨论的安全原因。The reason for prompting is for the security reasons discussed below.

方便的在线帮助系统及提示功能。Provide convenient on-line help system as well as prompting functions.

另一个政府看守把一个男人介绍给我们,说他是小女孩的叔叔。Another minder was prompting a man introduced to us as the girl's uncle.

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这其中有一些自然发生,并提示或训练可以使之加速。Some of this happens naturally, and prompting or training can speed it up.

“我还可以帮忙出一点多余的钱,”他说,这引起现场一阵掌声。“I could use a little extra cash, ” he said, prompting a round of applause.

是通过鼓励人们多吃来缓解抑郁或者焦虑吗?By prompting people to overeat to relieve their anxious or depressed states?

提述用户输入他们的首选设备,用于双方通话Prompting users to enter their preferred device, as required for a two-party call

将弹出一个窗口,提示您为导入元数据选择一个文件夹。A pop-up window appears, prompting you to select a folder for the metadata import.

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我院发生一例VRE感染爆发,我们迅速行动消灭了病原体。A VRE outbreak occurred in our hospital, prompting efforts to eradicate the organism.

如果有对话框弹出来要安装新的驱动,直接点击“安装”。If there are any dialog boxes prompting new driver installation just click “Install”.

大部分示威者甚至躺在地上,要警察把他们抬走。In many cases, protesters lay down on the ground, prompting police to carry them away.

仅对更复杂的乘法来说,元认知提示就增强了其准确性。For the harder multiplication task only, metacognitive prompting also boosted accuracy.

许多黉舍修建尺度分歧划定,导致了黎庶的愤慨。Many of the schools were built with inadequate reinforcements, prompting public outrage.

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阿夫沙尔也提到过,困难的经济对申请签证也是个糟糕的消息。Afshar also said that the troubled economy is prompting a harsher look at visa applicants.

地质学家在2007年同样事故中死亡,迫使圣何塞矿井关闭。A geologist was killed in the same 2007 accident, prompting the closure of the San Jose mine.

不过,双方似乎并未取得一致,因此才出现伯克希尔的声明.But it appeared that the two sides did not see eye-to-eye, prompting the Berkshire statement.