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她质疑他作为市议员的诚信度。She questioned his integrity as a councillor.

余若薇,香港立法会议议员。Audrey EU, Legislative Councillor of Hong Kong.

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叶刘淑仪,香港立法会议议员。Regina IP, Legislative Councillor of Hong Kong.

陈淑庄,香港立法会议议员。Tanya Chan, Legislative Councillor of Hong Kong.

尊敬的曼彻斯特市长哈克特先生Councillor Mark Hackett, Lord Mayor of Manchester

尊敬的西敏寺市市长华纳女士Councillor Judith Warner, Lord Mayor of Westminster

请稍坐,琼斯政务委员即刻就见你。Take a seat please, Councillor Jones will see you in a moment.

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在下人们的眼中,张员外是个和善的人。In the eyes of the servants, Councillor Zhang is an amiable person.

当我问是否能和琼斯政务委员讲话时,他就把电话挂断了。When I asked if I was speaking to Councillor Jones he simply rang off.

本人为退休小学校长,现任沙田区全职区议员。I am a retired principal, and now a District Board Councillor in Shatin.

我非常抱歉,琼斯政务委员正忙着,这会儿不能见你。I'm sorry, Councillor Jones is very busy and can't see you at the moment.

我非常抱歉,琼斯政务委员正忙着,这会儿不能见你。I'm sorry , councillor SMITH is very busy and can't see you at the moment.

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那个议员三番两次危言耸听,现在谁都不相信他了。That councillor has cried wolf so many times that nobody now believes him.

史密斯议员正在参加会议,至少在两个小时内没有空儿。Councillor Smith is in council now and won't be free for at least two hours.

但锡德茅斯市议长斯图尔特-休斯对此表示质疑。But councillor Stuart Hughes, chairman of Sidmouth Town Council, doubted the comments.

政务委员会领导的詹金斯委员说该报告将在下次会议上审查。Councillor Jenkins, the leader of the council, stated that the report wound be examined at the next.

在当外交官期间,萨马兰奇的事业生涯是通过担任巴塞罗那市议员为运动会工作开始的。A diplomat, Samaranch started his career as Municipal Councillor responsible for sport in the City of Barcelona.

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我想问您,昨天唐家璇国务委员说,会议已经进入了关键阶段。My question for you is, State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan said yesterday that the meeting had entered the crucial stage.

民主派的立法委员们也没有人敢参加反对火炬的游行,因为怕在下次选举中丢掉选票。No pro-democracy legislative councillor dared march against the torch for fear of losing votes in the next elections.

迪德卢姆议员说,很显然威克林医生是靠欺诈才在议会上弄到一个席位。Councillor Didlum said it was very evident that Dr. Weakling had obtained his seat on that Council by false pretences.