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坦率地说,我简直要翻胃。I confess to a disturbed stomach.

他似乎是又气愤又不安。He seemed both angry and disturbed.

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对于这坏消息,我感到心神不安。I was disturbed about the bad news.

听了这消息我心里很不安。I was rather disturbed by the news.

这些心理不正常的孩子可能会很狡猾。These disturbed kids can be cunning.

对于这坏消息,我感到心神不安。I was disturbed to hear the bad news.

但是人类打扰了它们的私密性。But humans have disturbed this privacy.

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这一次,他那四平八稳的气质遭到了破坏。For once his even temper was disturbed.

约翰不介意更多有请致电打扰他。John not happen ago heads be disturbed.

他没受那些恶言恶语的干扰。He wasn't disturbed by the wicked words.

她一夜心神烦乱,很早就醒了。She awoke early after a disturbed night.

拿着水枪玩耍,喷得到处都是水,让妈妈非常生气。and the mother was very, very disturbed.

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但似乎只有戴娜被这个声音惊了一下。But only Dana seemed disturbed by the tone.

他被收音机吵醒了。He was disturbed and awakened by the radio.

街坊邻居的孩子们把握的生活搅得不得安宁。Children in neighbourhood disturbed my life.

超过15.6平方英里的面积遭到破坏。More than 15.6 square miles where disturbed.

一些野猫打扰了他平平静静的生活。Some wild cats disturbed his vegetable life.

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孩子们不停地扰乱课堂。The children continually disturbed the class.

当地旅游业者对此深感不安。Deeply disturbed by the local tourism industry.

微风拂动水面。A light wind disturbed the surface of the water.