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圣多美和普林西比降低了近一半的比率。Sao Tome and Principe by nearly half.

普林西比希望为炼金术讨回名声。Dr Principe wants to rehabilitate alchemy.

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我们应当用心记住这些不规则动词的三种形式。We should remember the three principe parts of these irregular verbs by heart.

这五个国家是布基纳法索,斯威士兰,马拉维,冈比亚。The five countries are Burkina Faso, Swaziland, Malawi, Gambia, and Sao Tome & Principe.

他是控制着卡贝略港和古巴的Portabela的海盗们的领袖He was the commander of a crew of buccaneer that captured Puerto Principe and Portabela, Cuba.

普林西比博士认为在接下来的几个世纪里,炼金术士便成了欧洲的“北方化学家”。For the next five centuries, Dr Principe thinks, alchemists were the “northern chemists” of Europe.

文森特在某非洲小国做了一项关于“贿选”的实验。Vicente conducted a randomized, controlled experiment on electoral bribery in São Tomé and Príncipe.

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叙述ATP测定技术的原理,及ATP浓度在废水处理中的作用,简单介绍了有关ATP的试验研究情况。This paper describes principe of ATP measurement its' application in waste water treatment and simply presents study on ATP.

约翰·霍普金斯大学位于巴尔的摩,该校的劳伦斯·普林西比认为,这种想法在17世纪和18世纪仍然存在。In the view of Lawrence Principe of Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, such thinking was also around in the 17th and 18th centuries.

专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供成都到普林西比特价机票。The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Chengdu friends to provide special fares to Tome and Principe.

如果你预料某事会很糟,那么它很可能会真的变成这样。悲观的想法很少会让你失望。但反过来乐观一点的话,你会发现这个原理也同样成立。If you expect something to turn out badly , it probably will, pessimism is seldom disappointed! But the same principe also works in reverse when you choose optimism.

普林西比博士重现的那个实验,正说明了炼金术士们的确认为金属转化的理念是正确的。The experiment which Dr Principe reconstructed showed just how alchemists might truly have believed they were thinking the right way about the transmutation of metals.

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以上面多米尼加共和国蓬塔卡纳格兰巴伊亚普林西的照片为例,挤满了大量的椅子和大量的人,和清静根本就沾不上边。Take, for example, the above photo of Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. Crowded with lots of chairs and lots of people, it's anything but deserted.

普林斯堡商业中心是由马德里市中心繁华地带一所古老的公交站改建而成,这里已成为新的城市交通和商业聚集地。Born out of the rebirth of a historic transit station in a bustling area of downtown Madrid, the Principe Pio retail center is an exciting new convergence of urban transit and retail.

简要介绍了光纤数据传输技术在束管监测系统中的应用,描述了数据光端机的结构、原理等。This paper briefly introduces the application of optic fiber data transmission technique in beam tube monitoring systems. The structure and principe of data optical receiver is described.

采取疏而导之的总体策略是促使不同个性成员之间关系和谐的基本原则和根本方法。It is the fundamental principe and basic means which can prompt the relationship among leaders of different personality to be harmonious to take the general tactics of promoting mutual understanding.