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试验期间不得出现闪络或击穿。No flashover or breakdown shall occur during the test.

简介了真空表面闪络机理,径向绝缘结构的设计思路。The theory of vacuum flashover and the idea of design are briefly introduced.

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在恶劣的自然环境下,积污绝缘子随时可能发生闪络。Polluted insulators may flashover at any time under disadvantage weather conditions.

污闪是电力系统安全运行的主要危险。Contamination flashover is the main danger of the safe operation on the power system.

介绍了高压电力设备外绝缘发生污秽闪络的过程和特点。The process and feature of flashover of hv power appliance under pollution is described.

为了更好的研究快脉冲真空闪络,宜选用指形电极结构。For the pulsed vacuum flashover research, the finger electrode configuration is a better choice.

变电站支柱绝缘子的合理选型可有效防止污闪。The proper model selection of the post insulator in substation can effectively prevent the flashover.

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文章通过试验探索了合成绝缘子“不明原因”闪络的原因。Through experiments the reason of unidentified flashover of composite insulators is seeked in this paper.

线路绝缘子发生覆冰闪络故障,对线路安全运行造成威胁。The ice flashover accident of transmission line insulator is harmful for transmission line safe operation.

目前,有机硅材料广泛应用于电力系统外绝缘,用于防止污闪事故的发生。Silicone material has been widely used in power system to prevent pollution flashover of outdoor insulation.

线路绝缘子发生覆冰闪络故障,对线路安全运行造成了威胁。The menace of transmission line safe operation is the ice flashover accident of transmission line insulator.

通过分析论证,指出了输变电设备污闪的主要原因是外绝缘配置偏低。The reason of pollution flashover of transmission and distribution equipment has been analyzed in the paper.

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结果发现建筑火灾中轰燃现象的突变形式是燕尾突变。The results indicate that flashover in building fires is in essence a phenomenon of swallowtail catastrophe.

由雷电或开关瞬变过程引起的过电压可能会在支撑物和导体之间产生电弧。Over voltages due to lightning or switching may cause flashover of supporting or from conductors to conductor.

污秽闪络特性是输电线路外绝缘选择的重要依据之一。Pollution flashover performance is one of the key issues of external insulation selection of transmission lines.

1998年底阳泉地区发生线路绝缘子覆冰闪络故障,对线路安全运行造成了威胁。The running safety of line was threatened by insulator sleet covering flashover derault of line at the late of 1998.

真空高压二极管中的电子回流是造成绝缘子表面闪络的重要因素。Reflux of electron of high voltage vacuum diode is one of the main factors to cause the dielectric surface flashover.

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陶瓷绝缘子沿面闪络是制约电真空器件绝缘性能、影响设备正常运行的关键因素之一。Surface flashover of ceramic insulators used in vacuum devices restricts the insulating properties of the vacuum devices.

阐述了绝缘子污闪机理及泄漏电流监测原理。This paper expounds the mechanism of insulators contamination flashover and the online monitoring principle of the system.

最后从设计和运行两方面提出了防治风偏闪络的措施。Combined with the analysis and calculation, some prevention measures about flashover caused by windage yaw are put forward.